Product Updates


New & Powerful Plugin for WordPress!

Apr 07, 2020

Our enhanced WordPress plugin is now available, making advanced image and video management for WordPress easier, with powerful automation and AI technologies. Dynamically manage, optimize and deliver images and videos across all devices, viewports, and layouts in the most efficient format, quality, and resolution.

  • Upload once and deliver anywhere by synchronizing and adding images and videos to the media library and automatically adapting them, with content-aware AI, to fit any design, layout, and resolution.
  • Manipulate images and videos with on-the-fly transformations at a global level, taxonomy (category or tag) level or individually directly from the plugin.
  • Maintain a single source of truth to manage all your assets with full DAM capabilities including AI-powered tagging, search, metadata management, and collaboration with controlled sharing and comments all from within our embedded media library.
  • Optimize customer experience and decrease page loading time by automatically delivering your images and videos in the most efficient quality and format with effortless setup.

Read more here

Available for free to all users and certified for Wordpress VIP customers, the plugin is easy to integrate into your WordPress environment. For those already utilizing the WordPress plugin, migrating is simple and intuitive.

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