The Smart Video Previews Feature allows you to automatically generate preview video clips based on algorithms that determine which segments in the original video are most appealing . You can then additionally transform and manipulate those previews if you wish.
You can utilize this new preview manipulation to create a short video for your app feed for fast video loading (instead of loading the full video), or to add video previews when a user hovers over video thumbnails in a website.
Generate these video previews with our SDKs , by applying the e_preview
transformation effect to your delivery URL.
Original Video:
Preview Generated:
cl_video_tag(" People_Surfing " , :transformation =>[
{:width =>500 , :crop =>" scale " },
{:effect =>" preview:duration_8 " }
PHP v1:
cl_video_tag(" People_Surfing " , array (" transformation " =>array (
array (" width " =>500 , " crop " =>" scale " ),
array (" effect " =>" preview:duration_8 " )
PHP v2:
(new VideoTag (' People_Surfing.mp4 ' ))
->resize(Resize ::scale()->width(500 ))
->videoEdit(VideoEdit ::preview()->duration(8 ));
CloudinaryVideo(" People_Surfing " ).video(transformation=[
{' width ' : 500 , ' crop ' : " scale " },
{' effect ' : " preview:duration_8 " }
Node.js:" People_Surfing " , {transformation : [
{width : 500 , crop : " scale " },
{effect : " preview:duration_8 " }
cloudinary.url().transformation(new Transformation()
.width(500 ).crop(" scale " ).chain()
.effect(" preview:duration_8 " )).videoTag(" People_Surfing " );
cloudinary.videoTag(' People_Surfing ' , {transformation : [
{width : 500 , crop : " scale " },
{effect : " preview:duration_8 " }
$" People_Surfing " , {transformation : [
{width : 500 , crop : " scale " },
{effect : " preview:duration_8 " }
<Video publicId =" People_Surfing " >
<Transformation width =" 500 " crop =" scale " />
<Transformation effect =" preview:duration_8 " />
<cld-video publicId=" People_Surfing " >
<cld-transformation width =" 500 " crop =" scale " />
<cld-transformation effect =" preview:duration_8 " />
</ cld-video>
<cl-video public -id=" People_Surfing " >
<cl-transformation width=" 500 " crop=" scale " >
</ cl-transformation>
<cl-transformation effect="preview:duration_8">
< / cl-transformation>
</ cl-video>
cloudinary.Api.UrlVideoUp.Transform(new Transformation()
.Width(500 ).Crop(" scale " ).Chain()
.Effect(" preview:duration_8 " )).BuildVideoTag(" People_Surfing " )
MediaManager.get().url().transformation(new Transformation()
.width(500 ).crop(" scale " ).chain()
.effect(" preview:duration_8 " )).resourceType(" video " ).generate(" People_Surfing.mp4 " );
cloudinary.createUrl().setResourceType(" video " ).setTransformation(CLDTransformation()
.setWidth(500 ).setCrop(" scale " ).chain()
.setEffect(" preview:duration_8 " )).generate(" People_Surfing.mp4 " )
Read more details and documentation here
As always - we would love to get your feedback and thoughts on this new, awesome feature :)