Media Optimizer quick starts

For a complete overview of Media Optimizer and how it can help you to optimize the media on your site, see the Media Optimizer Overview. Otherwise, to get started quickly, take a look at the following:

Web address icon If you want to try out Media Optimizer to see how it works with our web address media source follow this walkthrough. You'll get the idea of how to connect a media source and create an optimization profile without touching any of your own assets.

If you're ready to start using Media Optimizer with your own media, choose the quick start that matches the source of your media:

Web address icon If you access your media through a web address, use this quick start to start delivering your media through Media Optimizer.
AWS S3 icon If your media is stored in an AWS S3 bucket, use this quick start to connect your bucket and start delivering your media through Media Optimizer.
Google Storage icon If your media is stored in a Google Storage bucket, use this quick start to connect your bucket and start delivering your media through Media Optimizer.
HTTP Proxy icon If your want to use Media Optimizer as an HTTP proxy, use this quick start to start delivering media through Media Optimizer.

The Media Optimizer documentation includes:

