Technology Partner


A no-code platform dedicated to the delivery of rich interactive digital experiences that connect audiences to physical spaces.

Intuiface + Cloudinary

Using a built-in integration, Intuiface experiences can easily upload one or more images to any Cloudinary account and retrieve their associated URLs. Uses of this URL include generating QR codes to share media with an audience member’s mobile phone or uploading multiple image URLs to create a dynamic media wall. The URL can also be modified by the running Intuiface experience in real time using Cloudinary’s Transformation URL API. The resulting modified URLs permit media presentation in different visual contexts whenever required.

This built-in integration, an interface asset, is open source and available on GitHub. Composer, the Intuiface editor, includes the Cloudinary interface asset, which can be easily used by non-developers, while developers can modify the underlying code to enhance and personalize the integration.

Source images can be captured on the fly using a webcam (such as for a photo booth), stored in the experience at design time, retrieved from any third-party content management system, or generated by AI LLMs like DALL-E. The overall goal is to simplify the process of acquiring images and making them available for public use securely and reliably.

The Cloudinary interface asset is only supported on Windows PCs. However, a version for other Intuiface-supported platforms—e.g., BrightSign, Android, and Raspberry Pi—can be delivered based on the request.


Intuiface is the industry’s most comprehensive and complete no-code platform for creating, deploying, managing, and measuring deeply customized, fully interactive digital content, supporting touch, gesture, sensors, voice, and more.

Deploy creations in your venues, on your websites, and even to the personal mobile devices of your customers, sales teams, visitors, or other audience members.

What makes Intuiface unique?

We took the best of cutting-edge use of no-code techniques:

  • Drag-and-drop, trigger-and-action approach to UX development
  • Simplified connection to any cloud-hosted service
  • Native code-like performance
  • Secure ISO 27001 certified infrastructure

Combined it with the best of traditional, digital signage platforms:

  • Remote provisioning, deployment, and monitoring
  • Flexible, extensive content management
  • Straightforward, scalable licensing and pricing
  • Support for all popular digital signage platforms: Windows, BrightSign, Android, ChromeOS, Tizen, iPadOS, Raspberry Pi

Then added our unique insight and innovation for human-machine interaction:

  • Built-in support for multi-touch, computer vision, gesture, voice.
  • Native integrations for sensors, RFID/NFC, tangible objects, IoT
  • Enterprise-grade analytics with chart builder and dashboard publishing
  • Seamless deployment to the web or as an app on personal devices: Windows, Android, iOS/iPadOS, MacOS, Linux


North America, Europe, APAC, Japan & India, South America, Middle East


Intuiville, Our Digital Interactivity Showroom

See It ->

Intuiface Deep Dive

Watch It ->

Touch and Beyond

See It ->

Video Showcase

Watch Them ->

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