Posts by Sam Brace
Simplicity in Content Publishing With Docusaurus and Cloudinary
As a frequent co-host of Cloudinary’s DevJams podcast with Jen Brissman, I get the chance to see ways developers are innovating their image and video management processes. Our recent episode with John Reilly, an open source software engineer…
Speed Up Your Website With Two Cloudinary Transformations: f_auto and q_auto
Co-hosting Cloudinary’s DevJams podcast with Jen Brissman allows me to engage in insightful conversations with developers who are pushing the boundaries of how images and videos can be delivered. In Episode #20 of the podcast, we spoke with…
Design With Canva, Deliver With Cloudinary – the Perfect Combination
On Cloudinary’s DevJams podcast, I have the incredible opportunity to chat with developers who create innovative, inspiring projects with images and videos. These projects cover a wide range of digital experiences, including websites and mobile apps. Together with my co-host, Jen Brissman, we explore the…
New Learning Pathways to Cloudinary Mastery
In December 2019, Cloudinary launched its customer education platform, the Cloudinary Academy, replete with courses taught by the company’s experts on developer-oriented products and digital asset management (DAM) solution. The courses comprise interactive lessons and hands-on assignments, a proven way of familiarizing the audience with the course material and…
Boost Your Product Knowledge at the Cloudinary Academy
When I first learned about Cloudinary back in 2013, it literally seemed like web-development magic. You upload your images and videos to it and, in short order, Cloudinary has served them in the most optimal formats and quality for all browsers and devices. It blew me away. No doubt some…
Understanding Cloudinary’s Transformation Quotas
One main reason people use Cloudinary is to leverage its capabilities for transforming digital assets, such as images and videos. Whether for optimization or aesthetics, it’s easy and fast to transform digital media for your web or mobile projects. Cloudinary’s service plans count one credit as 1,000…
Turning a Flat Image Into a Three-Dimensional Canvas With Cloudinary
Note: This post was cowritten with Daniel Mendoza. Famed American poet Henry David Thoreau once said, “This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” And, like your imagination, the transformations you can apply to images with Cloudinary are practically endless. You can even render any flat image to appear…
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