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Bleacher Report and Cloudinary Webinar: How to Win With Video

Want to learn how to win audiences with video? At 1:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday, February 25, Cloudinary will join Playmaker, Bleacher Report‘s in-house creative agency, for an Adweek webinar on improving user engagement through video. Beckley Mason, executive director of Playmaker, and Sanjay Sarathy, Cloudinary’s VP of marketing, will offer proven, real-world tips for creating and delivering dynamic, compelling video experiences to online audiences worldwide.

Register here and join us Tuesday, February 25.

During the webinar, Bleacher Report will reveal how it created 51 of the top 100 branded posts on Instagram in 2019, en route to becoming the most popular sports media brand among millennials and Gen Z audiences. Brands can learn from Bleacher Report’s strategies and hear what is needed to create and deliver real-time video experience flawlessly every time.

Topics covered will include:

  • Ways for efficiently creating, delivering, and managing real-time video experiences online and the challenges that Bleacher Report encountered in working to achieve its video goals
  • Tips on how to employ more video to enhance your site and mobile apps, simultaneously elevating audience engagement
  • Strategies for measuring and analyzing video effects

Bleacher Report is one of many notable brands leveraging Cloudinary’s dynamic video platform to attract and retain audiences through visual storytelling. With nearly 90 percent of consumers relying on videos to help them make purchase decisions and video-filled homepages registering 80 percent higher conversion rates than text-only sites, this webinar will pinpoint a course of action for overcoming perceived barriers to video, such as high production costs and technological challenges.

We hope you’ll join us.

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