Results for Tag ‘Next.js’
Top 5 Dev Hints Videos Every Developer Should Watch
Troubleshooting, tweaking, and tinkering — huge time-sucks for developers who don’t have any to spare. When you need a solution, you need it fast, without digging through endless documentation or waiting on support. That’s why Cloudinary’s DevHints video series delivers quick, actionable tutorials to help you solve your visual…
Generate a Video Summary With OpenAI
Manually summarizing videos can be time-consuming and inefficient, making it challenging to extract key information quickly. Copying and pasting video transcripts into a note-taking tool — or hunting down written summaries — is one way to go about it, but it’s not exactly efficient, or, let’s be honest, fun. This…
Using Cloudinary Images in MDX With Next.js App Router
When you build a developer-focused site — whether it’s documentation, a personal blog, or a knowledge base — using MDX (Markdown with JSX) can streamline content creation and encourage community contributions. MDX is especially powerful in Next.js, thanks to the new App Router structure, which allows for file-based routing combined…
Building a Virtual Try-On App with Cloudinary’s Face Detection and Next.js
In this blog post, we’ll show you how to leverage Cloudinary’s face detection algorithm using Next.js. We’ll build a simple but fun demo of a virtual try-on app that showcases one of the many things you can do with this feature. But first, we’ll need to set up…
Automatically Generate a Low-Size TikTok Video From an Original Video
Creating engaging TikTok videos isn’t just about creativity; it’s about keeping up with fleeting trends. With over a billion active users on TikTok, every second counts. A slow-loading video can lose viewers’ attention in an instant, leading to lower engagement and higher…
Build a YouTube Shorts Creator With Highlighted Subtitles in Next.js
YouTube Shorts are a powerful way to reach a wider audience with short, engaging videos. However, many creators face a common challenge: transforming widescreen videos into the vertical format required for YouTube Shorts without losing the key parts of the frame. This blog post explains how to automatically transform wide…
How to Resize Videos for Social Media in Next.js
In recent years, video publishing has progressed rapidly, with new platforms and tools constantly being introduced. According to an article by Statista, the number of digital video viewers worldwide is more than 3.3 billion. This shift has made sharing video content simpler than ever; however, creating…
How to Build a Masonry Gallery in Next.js With Cloudinary
A Masonry gallery layout is an elegant way to display images. Each item is arranged in a staggered grid, allowing for more creative space utilization. I’ve always found this layout to be a great choice, especially for smaller collections of images because it makes the most of available space while…
Clip Long-Form Videos to Social Media Platforms in Next.js
Video dominates social media feeds, and the demand keeps on growing. Between 2022 and 2023, a survey from SocialInsider revealed Instagram Reels had a year-over-year growth rate of 57.4%. From user-generated content…
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