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Subtitling videos using Google Video Intelligence

Video subtitles provide a better viewing experience and also improve accessibility for persons with disabilities. Manually adding subtitles to videos, however, proves to be repetitive, boring, and a lot of work. Luckily, there’s a way we can automate this. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to automatically add subtitles to videos using Google video intelligence, Cloudinary and Next.js.

The final project can be viewed on Codesandbox.

Working Knowledge of Javascript is required. Familiarity with React, Node.js, and Next.js is also recommended although not required. Ensure you have Node.js and NPM installed in your development environment.

Create a new Next.js project by running the following command in your terminal.

npx create-next-app video-subtitles-with-google-video-intelligence

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This scaffolds a minimal Next.js project. You can check out the Next.js docs for more setup options. Proceed to open your project in your favorite code editor.

Cloudinary offers a suite of APIs that allow developers to upload media, apply transformations and optimize delivery. You can get started with a free account immediately. Create a new account at Cloudinary if you do not have one then login and navigate to the console page. Here you’ll find your Cloud name API Key and API Secret.

Cloudinary Dashboard

Back in your project, create a new file at the root of your project and name it .env.local. Paste the following inside.




Replace YOUR_CLOUD_NAME YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_API_SECRET with the appropriate values that we just got from the cloudinary console page.

What we’ve just done here is define some environment variables. These help us to keep sensitive keys and secrets away from our codebase. Next.js has built-in support for environment variables. Read about this in the docs.

Do not check the .env.local file into source control

The Video Intelligence API is provided by Google through the Google Cloud Platform. It contains several AI-powered features that allow for things such as face detection, label detection, video transcription, and more. Today we’ll be using the video transcription feature.

If you are familiar with GCP, you can follow the quickstart guide.

Create an account if you do not already have one then navigate to the project selector page.

You then need to select an existing project or create a new one. Ensure that billing is enabled for the project. Google APIs have a free tier with a monthly limit that you can get started with. Use the APIs with caution so as not to exceed your limits. Here’s how you can confirm that billing is enabled..

The next step is to enable the APIs that you will be using with that project. In our case, it’s just the Video Intelligence API. Here’s how to enable the Video Intelligence API.

Once you’ve enabled the API, you need to create a new service account. Service accounts allow our application to authenticate with google and communicate with the GCP APIs. Go to the create a new service account page and select the project you created earlier. You will need to input an appropriate name for the service account. You can use the same name we used to create our Next.js project, video-subtitles-with-google-video-intelligence

Create service account.

Go ahead and finish creating the account. You can leave the other options as they are. Go back to the service accounts dashboard and you’ll now see your recently created service account. Under the more actions button, click on Manage keys.

Service accounts

Click on Add key and then on Create new key

Service account Keys dashboard

In the pop-up dialog, make sure to choose the JSON option.

Service account Keys dashboard

Once you’re done, a .json file will be downloaded to your computer.

Add the following to the .env.local file that we created earlier.




Replace YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID,YOUR_GCP_PRIVATE_KEY and YOUR_GCP_CLIENT_EMAIL, with project_id,private_key and client_email respectively from the .json file that was downloaded above.

The final step in the setup is to install the required dependencies. We need google video intelligence, cloudinary, formidable, and date-fns. We’ll use formidable to help us parse incoming form data, this will allow us to upload videos from the frontend. date-fns is a library of date and time utilities.

Run the following command in your terminal

npm install cloudinary formidable date-fns @google-cloud/video-intelligence

Code language: CSS (css)

Create a new folder at the root of your project and call it lib. This folder will contain all our shared code. Create a file named parse-form.js under the lib folder and paste the following inside.

// lib/parse-form.js


import  {  IncomingForm  }  from  "formidable";



* Parses the incoming form data.


* @param  {NextApiRequest}  req The incoming request object


export  const  parseForm  =  (req)  =>  {

return  new  Promise((resolve,  reject)  =>  {

const  form  =  new  IncomingForm({ keepExtensions:  true, multiples:  true  });


form.parse(req,  (error,  fields,  files)  =>  {

if  (error)  {

return  reject(error);



return  resolve({  fields,  files  });





Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This file just sets up formidable so that we can be able to parse incoming form data. Read more in the formidable docs.

Create another file under lib and name it cloudinary.js. Paste the following code inside lib/cloudinary.js.

// lib/cloudinary.js


// Import the v2 api and rename it to cloudinary

import  {  v2  as  cloudinary  }  from  "cloudinary";


// Initialize the SDK with cloud_name, api_key, and api_secret


cloud_name:  process.env.CLOUD_NAME,

api_key:  process.env.API_KEY,

api_secret:  process.env.API_SECRET,



const  CLOUDINARY_FOLDER_NAME  =  "automatic-subtitles/";



* Get cloudinary upload


* @param  {string}  id

* @returns  {Promise}


export  const  handleGetCloudinaryUpload  =  (id)  =>  {

return  cloudinary.api.resource(id,  {

type:  "upload",


resource_type:  "video",





* Get cloudinary uploads

* @returns  {Promise}


export  const  handleGetCloudinaryUploads  =  ()  =>  {

return  cloudinary.api.resources({

type:  "upload",


resource_type:  "video",





* Uploads a video to cloudinary and returns the upload result


* @param  {{path: string; transformation?:TransformationOptions;publicId?: string; folder?: boolean; }}  resource


export  const  handleCloudinaryUpload  =  (resource)  =>  {

return  cloudinary.uploader.upload(resource.path,  {

// Folder to store video in

folder:  resource.folder  ?  CLOUDINARY_FOLDER_NAME  :  null,

// Public id of video.

public_id:  resource.publicId,

// Type of resource

resource_type:  "auto",

// Transformation to apply to the video

transformation:  resource.transformation,





* Deletes resources from cloudinary. Takes in an array of public ids

* @param  {string[]}  ids


export  const  handleCloudinaryDelete  =  (ids)  =>  {

return  cloudinary.api.delete_resources(ids,  {

resource_type:  "video",



Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This file contains all the functions we need to communicate with cloudinary. We first import the v2 API from the cloudinary SDK and rename it to cloudinary. We then initialize it by calling the config method and passing the cloud name, api key, and api secret.

CLOUDINARY_FOLDER_NAME is the folder where we’ll store all our videos. This will make it easier for us to get all the uploads later.

handleGetCloudinaryUpload takes in a public id and gets a single resource from cloudinary by calling the api.resource method on the cloudinary SDK. Read more about this method in the official docs

handleGetCloudinaryUploads calls the api.resources method to get all resources uploaded to the folder that we defined under the CLOUDINARY_FOLDER_NAME variable. Read about this method in the docs

handleCloudinaryUpload takes in an object containing the path to the file we want to upload and any transformations that we want to apply to the file. It calls the uploader.upload method on the SDK. Read about this method here

handleCloudinaryDelete takes in an array of public IDs and passes them to the api.delete_resources method for deletion. Read more about this here.

Create a new file under the lib folder and name it google.js. Paste the following inside lib/google.js.

// lib/google.js


import  {



}  from  "@google-cloud/video-intelligence";


const  client  =  new  VideoIntelligenceServiceClient({

// Google cloud platform project id

projectId:  process.env.GCP_PROJECT_ID,

credentials:  {

client_email:  process.env.GCP_CLIENT_EMAIL,

private_key:  process.env.GCP_PRIVATE_KEY.replace(/\\n/gm,  "\n"),






* @param  {string | Uint8Array}  inputContent

* @returns  {Promise<>}


export  const  analyzeVideoTranscript  =  async  (inputContent)  =>  {

// Grab the operation using array destructuring. The operation is the first object in the array.

const  [operation]  =  await  client.annotateVideo({

// Input content

inputContent:  inputContent,

// Video Intelligence features


// Video context settings

videoContext:  {

speechTranscriptionConfig:  {

languageCode:  "en-US",

enableAutomaticPunctuation:  true,





const  [operationResult]  =  await  operation.promise();


// Gets annotations for video

const  [annotations]  =  operationResult.annotationResults;


return  annotations;


Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

We create a new client and pass it the project id and a credentials object. Here’s the different ways you can authenticate the client. The analyzeVideoTranscript takes in a string or a buffer array and then calls the client’s annotateVideo method with a few options. Read more about these options in the docs. Take note of the features option. We need to tell Google what operation to run. In this case, we only pass the SPEECH_TRANSCRIPTION. Read more about this here.

We call promise() on the operation and await for the promise to be complete. We then get the operation result using Javascript’s destructuring. To understand the structure of the resulting data, take a look at the official documentation. We then proceed to get the first item in the annotation results and return that.

Create a new folder called videos under pages/api. Create two files inside pages/api/videos, one called index.js and [].js. If you’re not familiar with API routes in Next.js, have a look at this documentation. [].js is an example of dynamic routing in Next.js. This particular syntax is designed to catch all routes. Read about this here.

Paste the following code inside pages/api/videos/index.js

// pages/api/videos/index.js


import  {



}  from  "../../../lib/cloudinary";

import  {  parseForm  }  from  "../../../lib/parse-form";

import  {  promises  as  fs  }  from  "fs";

import  {  analyzeVideoTranscript  }  from  "../../../lib/google";

import  {  intervalToDuration  }  from  "date-fns";


// Custom config for our API route

export  const  config  =  {

api:  {

bodyParser:  false,






* @param  {NextApiRequest}  req

* @param  {NextApiResponse}  res


export  default  async  function  handler(req,  res)  {

switch  (req.method)  {

case  "GET":  {

try  {

const  result  =  await  handleGetRequest();


return  res.status(200).json({ message:  "Success",  result  });

}  catch  (error)  {


return  res.status(400).json({ message:  "Error",  error  });




case  "POST":  {

try  {

const  result  =  await  handlePostRequest(req);


return  res.status(201).json({ message:  "Success",  result  });

}  catch  (error)  {


return  res.status(400).json({ message:  "Error",  error  });




default:  {

return  res.status(405).json({ message:  "Method Not Allowed"  });





const  handleGetRequest  =  async  ()  =>  {

const  uploads  =  await  handleGetCloudinaryUploads();


return  uploads;




* Handles the POST request to the API route.


* @param  {NextApiRequest}  req The incoming request object


const  handlePostRequest  =  async  (req)  =>  {

// Get the form data using the parseForm function

const  data  =  await  parseForm(req);


// Get the video file from the form data

const  {  video  }  =  data.files;


// Read the contents of the video file

const  videoFile  =  await  fs.readFile(video.filepath);


// Get the base64 encoded video file

const  base64Video  =  videoFile.toString("base64");


// Analyze the video transcript using Google's video intelligence API

const  annotations  =  await  analyzeVideoTranscript(base64Video);


// Map through the speech transcriptions gotten from the annotations

const  allSentences  =  annotations.speechTranscriptions

.map((speechTranscription)  =>  {

// Map through the speech transcription's alternatives. For our case, it's just one

return  speechTranscription.alternatives

.map((alternative)  =>  {

// Get the word segments from the speech transcription

const  words  =  alternative.words  ??  [];


// Place the word segments into groups of ten

const  groupOfTens  =  words.reduce((group,  word,  arr)  =>  {

return  (

(arr  %  10

?  group[group.length  -  1].push(word)

:  group.push([word]))  &&  group


},  []);


// Map through the word groups and build a sentence with the start time and end time

return  =>  {

// Start offset time in seconds

const  startOffset  =

parseInt(group[0].startTime.seconds  ??  0)  +

(group[0].startTime.nanos  ??  0)  /  1000000000;


// End offset time in seconds

const  endOffset  =

parseInt(group[group.length  -  1].endTime.seconds  ??  0)  +

(group[group.length  -  1].endTime.nanos  ??  0)  /  1000000000;


return  {

startTime:  startOffset,

endTime:  endOffset,

sentence:  =>  word.word).join("  "),








// Build the subtitle file content

const  subtitleContent  =  allSentences

.map((sentence,  index)  =>  {

// Format the start time

const  startTime  =  intervalToDuration({

start:  0,

end:  sentence.startTime  *  1000,



// Format the end time

const  endTime  =  intervalToDuration({

start:  0,

end:  sentence.endTime  *  1000,



return  `${index  +  1}\n${startTime.hours}:${startTime.minutes}:${


},000 --> ${endTime.hours}:${endTime.minutes}:${endTime.seconds},000\n${






const  subtitlePath  =  `public/subtitles/`;


// Write the subtitle file to the filesystem

await  fs.writeFile(subtitlePath,  subtitleContent);


// Upload the subtitle file to Cloudinary

const  subtitleUploadResult  =  await  handleCloudinaryUpload({

path:  subtitlePath,

folder:  false,



// Delete the subtitle file from the filesystem

await  fs.unlink(subtitlePath);


// Upload the video file to Cloudinary and apply the subtitle file as an overlay/layer

const  videoUploadResult  =  await  handleCloudinaryUpload({

path:  video.filepath,

folder:  true,

transformation:  [


background:  "black",

color:  "yellow",

overlay:  {

font_family:  "Arial",

font_size:  "32",

font_weight:  "bold",

resource_type:  "subtitles",

public_id:  subtitleUploadResult.public_id,



{ flags:  "layer_apply"  },




return  videoUploadResult;



Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This is where the magic happens. At the top, we export a custom config object. This config object tells Next.js not to use the default body parser since we’ll be parsing the form data on our own. Read about custom config in API routes here. The default exported function named handler is standard for Next.js API routes. We use a switch statement to only handle GET and POST requests.

handleGetRequest gets all the uploaded resources by calling the handleGetCloudinaryUploads function that we created earlier.

handlePostRequest takes in the incoming request object. We use the parseForm method that we created in the parse-form.js file to get the form data. We then get the video file, get the base64 string and pass it to analyzeVideoTranscript. This video transcribes the video using Google Video Intelligence. The following is the structure of the data that we get back


segment:  {

startTimeOffset:  {

seconds:  string;

nanos:  number;


endTimeOffset:  {

seconds:  string;

nanos:  number;



speechTranscriptions:  [


alternatives:  [


transcript:  string;

confidence: number;

words: [


startTime:  {

seconds:  string;

nanos: number;


endTime: {

seconds:  string;

nanos: number;


word: string;





languageCode: string;




You can also check out some sample data here

We need to convert that to the following structure



startTime:  number;

endTime: number;

sentence: string;



To achieve this we map through the annotations.speechTranscriptions, then the alternatives for each speech transcription. Google returns each word separate from its start and end time. We put those words in groups of ten so that we can form sentences with ten words. We don’t want our sentences to be too long. We then join the group of words to make a sentence and flatten everything.

Next, we need to create a subtitle file. Let’s have a look at the structure of a subtitles(srt) file.


hour:minute:second,millisecond --> hour:minute:second,millisecond




hour:minute:second,millisecond --> hour:minute:second,millisecond


Code language: CSS (css)

For example


00:01:20,000 --> 00:01:30,000

This is the first frame



00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:40,000

This is the second frame

Code language: CSS (css)

We model our data into this format in the following piece of code

// Build the subtitle file content

const  subtitleContent  =  allSentences

.map((sentence,  index)  =>  {

// Format the start time

const  startTime  =  intervalToDuration({

start:  0,

end:  sentence.startTime  *  1000,



// Format the end time

const  endTime  =  intervalToDuration({

start:  0,

end:  sentence.endTime  *  1000,



return  `${index  +  1}\n${startTime.hours}:${startTime.minutes}:${


},000 --> ${endTime.hours}:${endTime.minutes}:${endTime.seconds},000\n${





Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

We then use writeFile to create a new subtitle file. We upload the subtitle file to cloudinary. After this is done we upload our video to cloudinary and apply the subtitle file as a layer. Read about how this works in the cloudinary docs.

Moving on to the [].js file. Paste the following inside pages/api/videos/[].js

// pages/api/videos/[].js`


import  {  NextApiRequest,  NextApiResponse  }  from  "next";

import  {



}  from  "../../../lib/cloudinary";




* @param  {NextApiRequest}  req

* @param  {NextApiResponse}  res


export  default  async  function  handler(req,  res)  {

const  id  =  Array.isArray(




switch  (req.method)  {

case  "GET":  {

try  {

const  result  =  await  handleGetRequest(id);


return  res.status(200).json({ message:  "Success",  result  });

}  catch  (error)  {


return  res.status(400).json({ message:  "Error",  error  });




case  "DELETE":  {

try  {

const  result  =  await  handleDeleteRequest(id);


return  res.status(200).json({ message:  "Success",  result  });

}  catch  (error)  {


return  res.status(400).json({ message:  "Error",  error  });




default:  {

return  res.status(405).json({ message:  "Method Not Allowed"  });






* Gets a single resource from Cloudinary.


* @param  {string}  id Public ID of the video to get


const  handleGetRequest  =  async  (id)  =>  {

const  upload  =  await  handleGetCloudinaryUpload(id);


return  upload;




* Handles the DELETE request to the API route.


* @param  {string}  id Public ID of the video to delete


const  handleDeleteRequest  =  (id)  =>  {

// Delete the uploaded image from Cloudinary

return  handleCloudinaryDelete([id]);



Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

handleGetRequest calls the handleGetCloudinaryUpload with the public id of the video and gets the uploaded video.

handleDeleteRequest just deletes the resource with the given public id.

Let’s move on to the frontend. Add the following code to styles/globals.css

:root  {

--color-primary:  #ff0000;

--color-primary-light:  #ff4444;



.btn  {

display:  inline-block;

padding:  0.5rem  1rem;

background:  var(--color-primary);

color:  #ffffff;

border:  none;

border-radius:  0.25rem;

cursor:  pointer;

font-size:  1rem;

font-weight:  bold;

text-transform:  uppercase;

text-decoration:  none;

text-align:  center;

transition:  all  0.2s  ease-in-out;



.btn:hover  {

background:  var(--color-primary-light);

box-shadow:  0  0  0.25rem  0  rgba(0,  0,  0,  0.25);



Code language: CSS (css)

These are just a few styles to help us with the UI.

Create a new folder at the root of your project and name it components. This folder will hold our shared components. Create a new file under components called Layout.js and paste the following code inside.

// components/Layout.js

import  Head  from  "next/head";

import  Link  from  "next/link";

export  default  function  Layout({  children  })  {

return  (




Add subtitles to videos using google video intelligence and cloudinary




content=" Add subtitles to videos using google video intelligence and cloudinary"


<link rel="icon"  href="/favicon.ico"  />





<Link  href="/">

<a className="btn">Home</a>




<Link  href="/videos">

<a className="btn">Videos</a>






<style jsx>{`

nav {

background-color: #f0f0f0;

min-height: 100px;

display: flex;

align-items: center;



nav ul {

list-style: none;

padding: 0 32px;

flex: 1;

display: flex;

flex-flow: row nowrap;

justify-content: center;

gap: 8px;







Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

We’ll be wrapping our pages in this component. It allows us to have a consistent layout. Paste the following code inside pages/index.js

// pages/index.js


import  {  useRouter  }  from  "next/router";

import  {  useState  }  from  "react";

import  Layout  from  "../components/Layout";


export  default  function  Home()  {

const  router  =  useRouter();

const  [isLoading,  setIsLoading]  =  useState(false);


const  handleFormSubmit  =  async  (event)  =>  {



try  {



const  formData  =  new  FormData(;


const  response  =  await  fetch("/api/videos",  {

method:  "POST",

body:  formData,



const  data  =  await  response.json();


if  (!response.ok)  {

throw  data;




}  catch  (error)  {


}  finally  {





return  (


<div className="wrapper">

<form onSubmit={handleFormSubmit}>

<h2>Upload video file</h2>

<div className="input-group">

<label htmlFor="video">Video File</label>











<button className="btn"  type="submit"  disabled={isLoading}>



<button className="btn"  type="reset"  disabled={isLoading}>





<style jsx>{`

div.wrapper {



div.wrapper > form {

margin: 64px auto;

background-color: #fdd8d8;

padding: 40px 20px;

width: 60%;

display: flex;

flex-flow: column;

gap: 8px;

border-radius: 0.25rem;



div.wrapper > form > div.input-group {

display: flex;

flex-flow: column;

gap: 8px;



div.wrapper > form > div.input-group > label {

font-weight: bold;



div.wrapper > form > div.input-group > input {

background-color: #f5f5f5;



div.wrapper > form > button {

height: 50px;







Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This is a simple page with a form for uploading the video that we want to add subtitles to. handleFormSubmit makes a POST request to /api/videos with the form data and then navigates to the /videos page upon success.

Create a new folder under the pages folder and call it videos. Create two files under pages/videos called index.js and [].js. Please note that this is not the same as the pages/api/videos folder. Paste the following code inside pages/videos/index.js

// pages/videos/index.js


import  Link  from  "next/link";

import  Image  from  "next/image";

import  {  useCallback,  useEffect,  useState  }  from  "react";

import  Layout  from  "../../components/Layout";


export  default  function  VideosPage()  {

const  [isLoading,  setIsLoading]  =  useState(false);

const  [videos,  setVideos]  =  useState([]);


const  getVideos  =  useCallback(async  ()  =>  {

try  {



const  response  =  await  fetch("/api/videos",  {

method:  "GET",



const  data  =  await  response.json();


if  (!response.ok)  {

throw  data;





}  catch  (error)  {

// TODO: Show error message to the user


}  finally  {



},  []);


useEffect(()  =>  {


},  [getVideos]);


return  (


<div className="wrapper">

<div className="videos-wrapper">

{,  index)  =>  {

const  splitVideoUrl  =  video.secure_url.split(".");


splitVideoUrl[splitVideoUrl.length  -  1]  =  "jpg";


const  thumbnail  =  splitVideoUrl.join(".");


return  (

<div className="video-wrapper"  key={`video-${index}`}>

<div className="thumbnail">







<div className="actions">





<a>Open Video</a>









{!isLoading  &&  videos.length  ===  0  ?  (

<div className="no-videos">

<b>No videos yet</b>

<Link  href="/"  passHref>

<button className="btn">Upload Video</button>



)  :  null}


{isLoading  ?  (

<div className="loading">



)  :  null}


<style jsx>{`

div.wrapper {

min-height: 100vh;



div.wrapper h1 {

text-align: center;



div.wrapper div.videos-wrapper {

padding: 20px;

display: flex;

flex-flow: row wrap;

gap: 20px;



div.wrapper div.videos-wrapper {

flex: 0 0 400px;

height: 400px;



div.wrapper div.videos-wrapper div.thumbnail {

position: relative;

width: 100%;

height: 80%;



div.loading, {

height: 100vh;

display: flex;

flex-flow: column;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

gap: 8px;







Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This page will call getVideos when it renders. getVideos makes a GET request to /api/videos to get all the uploaded videos. You can read about the useCallback and useEffect react hooks from the react docs. We then show thumbnails of the videos. See here on how to generate a thumbnail of a cloudinary video.

And now for the final page. Paste the following inside pages/videos/[].js

// pages/videos/[].js


import  {  useRouter  }  from  "next/router";

import  {  useCallback,  useEffect,  useState  }  from  "react";

import  Layout  from  "../../components/Layout";


export  default  function  VideoPage()  {

const  router  =  useRouter();


const  id  =  Array.isArray(




const  [isLoading,  setIsLoading]  =  useState(false);

const  [video,  setVideo]  =  useState(null);


const  getVideo  =  useCallback(async  ()  =>  {

try  {


const  response  =  await  fetch(`/api/videos/${id}`,  {

method:  "GET",



const  data  =  await  response.json();


if  (!response.ok)  {

throw  data;





}  catch  (error)  {

// TODO: Show error message to the user


}  finally  {



},  [id]);


useEffect(()  =>  {


},  [getVideo]);


const  handleDownload  =  async  ()  =>  {

try  {



const  response  =  await  fetch(video.secure_url,  {});


if  (response.ok)  {

const  blob  =  await  response.blob();


const  fileUrl  =  URL.createObjectURL(blob);


const  a  =  document.createElement("a");

a.href  =  fileUrl;  =  `${video.public_id.replace("/",  "-")}.${video.format}`;






throw  await  response.json();

}  catch  (error)  {

// TODO: Show error message to the user


}  finally  {





const  handleDelete  =  async  ()  =>  {

try  {



const  response  =  await  fetch(`/api/videos/${id}`,  {

method:  "DELETE",



const  data  =  await  response.json();


if  (!response.ok)  {

throw  data;




}  catch  (error)  {


}  finally  {





return  (


{video  &&  !isLoading  ?  (

<div className="wrapper">

<div className="video-wrapper">

<video src={video.secure_url}  controls></video>

<div className="actions">


















)  :  null}


{isLoading  ?  (

<div className="loading">



)  :  null}


<style jsx>{`

div.wrapper {



div.wrapper > {

width: 80%;

margin: 20px auto;

display: flex;

flex-flow: column;

gap: 8px;



div.wrapper > > video {

width: 100%;



div.wrapper > > div.actions {

display: flex;

flex-flow: row;

gap: 8px;



div.loading {

height: 100vh;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;






Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

getVideo makes a GET request to /api/videos/:id to get the video with the given id. handleDownload just downloads the video file. handleDelete makes a DELETE request to /api/videos/:id to delete the video with the given id.

For the final piece of the puzzle. Add the following to next.config.js.

module.exports  =  {

// ... other options

images:  {

domains:  [""],



Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This is because we’re using the Image component from Next.js. We need to add the cloudinary domain so that images from that domain can be optimized. Read more about this here

You can now run your application by running the following command

npm run dev

And that’s a wrap for this tutorial. You can find the full code on my Github. Please note that this is just a simple demonstration. There’s a lot of ways you could optimize your application. Have a look at Google’s long running operations and Cloudinary’s notifications

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