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Streamlining Digital Creativity: The Power of Cloudinary’s AI-Powered Image and Video Platform in Your CMS

Among the top pain points content creators can never seem to overcome are small (or no) teams, distribution challenges, and quality and consistency issues. 

There are others, like lack of time, the inability to keep up with technology, insufficient funding — and yes, these are real pains — but what sets these apart from the others is, they’re more easily solved once you’re able to overcome the first three. 

So you’re probably asking, what’s out there that can increase the output of ICs and small teams by decreasing turnaround times from weeks and days to, in some instances, minutes, add never-before known efficiencies in content distribution, and ensure that every image and video is of optimal quality and on brand? Meet Cloudinary’s Media Library widget.

Cloudinary has long been the leader in managing, editing, optimizing, and delivering images and video with automation and AI. These capabilities, including our new generative AI editing, are now available for integrating into industry-leading content management systems (CMS), e-commerce platforms, and web applications. 

Integrate with CMS and e-commerce leaders like Salesforce, WordPress, Contentful, NetlifyCMS, and Magento, delivering a unified and efficient experience. It’s also possible to use the Media Library widget in any other system as well.  

The Media Library widget makes it easy to upload, manage, and transform assets with a user-friendly interface and logical organization. The import button simplifies the process of importing single or multiple assets, setting the stage for a smooth workflow.

With only a few lines of code, web content and commerce practitioners can access all the benefits of Cloudinary’s responsive Media Library UI with its rich search capabilities and optimized media asset delivery. 

Advanced search functionality makes finding specific assets simple, saving valuable time and streamlining the content creation process. 

The Media Library widget fosters collaboration with cross-team approvals through commenting, ensuring efficient feedback loops and approvals. Sharing assets externally via collections or generating zip files for bulk downloading adds an extra layer of convenience, facilitating collaboration and smooth distribution.

The Media Library widget goes beyond mere storage by offering powerful transformative capabilities. Users can automatically create asset variants upon upload or within the library itself. The ability to add overlays, like sale banners and brand logos, further customized content to align with your brand identity. 

By integrating the Media Library widget, you can now offer powerful optimization and transformation features to all your digital experiences teams across the organization, regardless of demographic or market. 

The Media Library widget elevates creativity by granting access to advanced generative AI features, catering to both developers and non-developers alike.

With Generative Remove you can effortlessly remove elements from images, especially when handling vast amounts of content like user-generated content (UGC), reducing time and effort spent on erasing offensive language, copyrights, or unwanted elements such as logos, perfect for scenarios where promoting other brands isn’t ideal.

Drastically reduce the time spent on tedious image editing tasks by leveraging the Generative Replace feature. Create and publish product variants faster without the hassle of reshooting or requiring expensive creative resources.

Reuse existing images and create new versions by simply replacing products with AI. Make seasonal product updates to images, without having to go through sourcing new products or lengthy cost intensive re-shoots. 

Generative Restore corrects old and damaged images. Whether dealing with UGC, vintage photographs, scanned images, or pictures damaged by over-compression, Generative Restore can bring hidden details into view, revitalizing the visual appeal of assets.

Generative Recolor provides a seamless and efficient way to manipulate colors of objects in images. Create and deliver real-life product color options for your e-commerce store. Easily create new variants with brand-specific color codes at the hexadecimal level.

Seamlessly adapt your images using advanced outpainting techniques that intelligently match and extend content. Generative Fill is especially valuable when transforming images from vertical to horizontal orientations by seamlessly blending the new AI-generated background with the existing content. For example, converting portrait UGC images to landscape with seamless backgrounds as opposed to traditional color-based fills.

Cloudinary’s Media Library widget provides you and your team access to AI-powered features, enabling the build and delivery of high-quality, contextual digital and product experiences without the extra work, and all of this at scale — from effortless asset management and transformative capabilities to customization and generative AI features.

Its seamless integration into any CMS, e-commerce or web application ensures that web content and ecommerce managers can handle everything within their familiar environment, eliminating the need for third-party plugins or extensions.

Easily get access to unparalleled creativity and efficiency. By adopting the Cloudinary Media Library widget, you’re not just managing assets. You’re transforming the way you create, collaborate, and customize your digital content, all without leaving your integrated system.

Sign up for Cloudinary and try the Media Library widget today.

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