Technology Partner


CloudCannon is a Git-based Content Management System (CMS) with an exceptional website editing interface and a robust and flexible developer experience.

CloudCannon + Cloudinary

CloudCannon can seamlessly connect to your Cloudinary asset management which allows anyone to upload and choose images from a Cloudinary account with an easy-to-use interface and powerful image transformation features.


CloudCannon is a Git-based Content Management System (CMS) with an exceptional website editing interface and a robust and flexible developer experience.

CloudCannon uses Git-based workflows to help your team easily build pages and make edits to your website. Developers can build the website in their preferred framework – Jekyll, Hugo, Eleventy, SvelteKit, Next.js, Gatsby. While content editors and marketing teams can make changes, have them reviewed and push them live without fear of breaking the website.


North America, Europe, APAC, Japan & India, South America, Middle East

Access Cloudinary assets while in CloudCannon's interface

A simple UI allows you to pull assets from Cloudinary's Media Library Widget into CloudCannon


Create a Cloudinary DAM

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