Video Player API reference
Last updated: Feb-21-2025
The Video player API reference details methods, parameters, and attributes that you can use when working with the VideoPlayer
or VideoPlayers
object and corresponding <video>
- For in-depth information, see the Cloudinary Video Player guide.
- Use the Video Player Samples to try out some of the player options.
When importing the player as a module, any additional functionality will require the relevant module be included, for example:
import 'cloudinary-video-player/chapters';
The available modules are:
Chapters -
DASH adaptive streaming -
Ads -
Interactive videos -
Playlists -
Recommendations -
Shoppable videos -
Configuration options
You can define many of the player configuration options either as attributes of the <video>
tag or as constructor parameters of the videoPlayer
or videoPlayers
method. These settings are the default for all videos that play in the player(s), but are overridden if a specific video source has a different value for the same setting.
This section includes:
For an overview and instructions on setting configuration parameters, see the configuration step of 'How to embed the video player'.
Constructor parameters
Use constructor parameters of the videoPlayer
or videoPlayers
method to define global configuration options.
var player = cld.videoPlayer(<'selector'>, {<constructor params>})
You can control:
- Player visuals - how the player looks.
- Player behavior - how the player behaves.
- Video config - configuration for the video itself.
- Ads and analytics - how the player handles ads and analytics.
- Shoppable Video - configuration for adding Shoppable Video components to the player.
Player visuals
Param | Type | Description |
aiHighlightsGraph | Boolean | Whether to show an AI-generated visual representation of the highlights of a video. Default: false Note: When the graph is first generated, additional transformations are used and it may take a short time to complete. |
bigPlayButton | Boolean or String | Whether to show a larger central play button when the video is paused. Possible values: - true : Always show big play button. - false : Never show big play button. - init : Show big play button on initial load only. Default: true
chaptersButton | Boolean | Whether to show the chapters button, which opens a list of chapters. Default: false
colors | Object | The colors to use for the player UI. The values must be supplied as hex color codes. You can set: - base : The base color for the player's controls and information bars as well as the base color of the central play button. - accent : The color for the progress bar and volume level. - text : The color for all text and icons. |
controls | Boolean | Whether to display the video player controls. |
floatingWhenNotVisible | FloatingWhenNotVisible | Whether to display a floating player in the corner of the screen when a video is playing and less than half the player is visible. Possible values: - right : Shows floating player in the bottom right of the screen - left : Shows floating player in the bottom left of the screen |
fluid | Boolean | Whether to activate fluid layout mode, which dynamically adjusts the player size to fit its container or window.
Note: You can alternatively pass cld-fluid as a css class of the video tag. For example: class="cld-video-player cld-video-player-skin-dark cld-fluid"
fontFace | FontFace | The font to use for text elements in the video player. If not specified, the player loads with the default player font-family: Fira Sans. |
hideContextMenu | Boolean | Whether to hide the context menu that appears when right-clicking on the player. Default: false
interactionAreas | interactionAreas | Configuration for adding areas of interaction to the video player. Allows the viewer to click on the video and interact with it, for example zooming in on an area of the video. For more information, see Interactive Video. |
pictureInPictureToggle | Boolean | Whether to display the picture-in-picture toggle to allow users to view videos in a floating window. Default: false
playbackRates | Array | An array of playback rates to display in the control bar. Allows the user to change the speed that the video plays at. |
playlistWidget | PlaylistWidgetProps | Adds a playlist widget to the video player. |
posterOptions | Object | A default poster that is shown every time a new video loads. It can include transformation settings. By default, every new video that loads will use the middle image of that video (/video/publicId.jpg ) and if the player width is set, the poster will be responsive. For example, to set the sample image with a sepia effect as the fixed poster image for all videos: posterOptions: { publicId: 'sample', effect: ['sepia'] }
showJumpControls | Boolean | Whether to show jump control buttons, allowing the user to skip forward or back 10 seconds. |
showLogo | Boolean | Whether to show a clickable logo within the player. You can customize the logo image (logoImageUrl ) and logo url (logoOnclickUrl ) for your own requirements. Default: true
logoImageUrl | String | The URL for the logo image to display in the player's control bar. Relevant only when showLogo is true. Default: Cloudinary logo. |
logoOnclickUrl | String | The URL where the viewer will be sent when clicking the logo in the player control bar. Relevant only when showLogo is true. Default:
seekThumbnails | Boolean | Whether to display thumbnails of the video when seeking with the seek bar. Default: true Note: When seek thumbnails are generated, an image sprite containing all the thumbnails is automatically created. As such, this will use an additional transformation and may take a short time to complete. |
videoJS | Object | Enables you to access all underlying capabilities of the VideoJS API. For details, see the VideoJS Player API. |
Player behavior
Param | Type | Description |
autoplay | Boolean | Whether to apply standard HTML5 autoplay. Default: false .Note: autoplay behaves differently on different browsers and devices. See the relevant browser documentation for more information. |
autoplayMode | AutoplayMode | The autoplay mode to use for the player. Similar to the default HTML5 autoplay parameter, but with the addition of on-scroll support. Default: never . |
autoShowRecommendations | Boolean | Whether to show recommendations at the end of the current video, if available. For playlists where autoAdvance is false , the next videos are automatically used as the recommendations, if none are explicitly defined. For players with a single source, in addition to setting autoShowRecommendations to true , you must explicitly define the videos to recommend using the source.recommendations parameter. You can also optionally use the source.recommendations parameter for sources in a playlist, which overrides the default behavior of showing the next videos as recommendations. |
loop | Boolean | Whether to perform standard HTML5 video looping. Default: false . |
maxTries | Number | The maximum number of times the video player will attempt to request a video. Multiple requests may be necessary if the video is still being processed when it is first requested. Default = 3 . Can be used in conjunction with videoTimeout . |
muted | Boolean | Whether the player loads in standard HTML5 mute mode. Default: false . |
playedEventPercents | Array | An array listing percentage points for which you want to trigger the percentsplayed event. Default: [25, 50, 75, 100] . |
playedEventTimes | Array | An array listing times (in seconds) from the beginning of the video for which you want to trigger the timeplayed event. Default: null . |
playsinline | Boolean | Relevant for iOS only. Whether the video should be prevented from entering fullscreen mode automatically when playback begins. Can be used with autoplay and muted to enable autoplay on iOS devices. |
videoTimeout | Milliseconds | The maximum time the video player will wait for a video to be available in each video request. This may be relevant if the video is still being processed when it is first requested. Default = 55000 . Can be used in conjunction with maxTries . |
withCredentials | Boolean | Whether to include the withCredentials header when the player makes an XHR request, such as for manifest files or video segments. The withCredentials header includes any authentication headers or cookies from the browser when making a request. |
Video config
Param | Type | Description |
chapters | Object | The chapters defined for the player when the publicId constructor parameter is set. In most cases, it's a better practice to specify the chapters as part of the videoPlayer.source method. |
preload | String | The type of standard HTML5 video preloading to use. Relevant only when autoplay is false or autoplayMode is never . Possible values:
publicId | String | The Cloudinary public ID of the video source to use when the player loads. You can use this setting for a player that will always play the same video. But in most cases, it's a better practice to specify the video source public ID within the videoPlayer.source
sourceTransformation | Object | Default transformations to apply to a specific source type. |
sourceTypes | Array |
The video source types (and optionally the corresponding codecs) that will be available for the player to request (as appropriate for the current browser). If a source type can't be played in the requesting browser, the next source in the array will be tried. Add the codec after the source type and separate with a '/', for example: mp4/h265 . For HLS and MPEG-DASH, use the values hls and dash respectively and optionally specify a codec as described above. For automatic format selection, use auto . For audio only, use audio . If you also define a codec as part of a transformation, this will override the source type. Default: f_auto:video . By default, automatic format selection is applied, which selects the optimal file type based on the user's device and browser. |
transformation | cloudinary.Transformation, Object, Array, or String | Default transformation to apply on every source video that plays in the player. |
Ads and analytics
Param | Type | Description |
ads | AdsProps | Enables serving ads in your video player based on leading video ad standards such as VAST, VPAID, and VMAP, including Google DoubleClick or AdSense. For more details, see Video ads and monetization. |
analytics | Boolean | Whether to activate analytics for video player events. Default: false . |
allowUsageReport | Boolean | Cloudinary can optionally collect aggregated statistics about how the video player is being used. The collected data is used in aggregate form to help us improve future versions of the video player and cannot be used to identify individual video viewers. When true (default), Cloudinary collects data on events performed by the video player. |
cloudinaryAnalytics | Boolean or Object |
Boolean: Whether to send video analytics data to Cloudinary. Default: true . Object: A set of custom fields to send alongside the automatically collected analytics. The For example: |
Constructor types
Param | Type | Description |
adTagUrl | String | Required. The full URL of the adTag to run. |
adsInPlaylist | AdsInPlaylist | Optional. When to call the adTag within a playlist. Default: first-video
showCountdown | Boolean | Optional. When true, the 'Advertisement' countdown label is displayed in small text in the bottom center of the video player along with a counter showing the time (in seconds) until the end of the video. Default: true . |
adLabel | String | Optional. Alternative or translated text for the 'Advertisement' countdown label. Relevant only when showCountdown is true. |
locale | String | Optional. Locale for ad localization. Can be any ISO 639-1 (two-letter) or ISO 639-2,(three-letter) locale code. This setting affects the language of relevant elements within the adTag, such as the Skip option. Default: en . |
prerollTimeout | Number | Optional. Maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for a preroll ad to start. If the ad does not start an adtimeout event is triggered. |
postrollTimeout | Number | Optional. Maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for a postroll ad to start. If the ad does not start an adtimeout event is triggered. |
Param | Type | Description |
direction | Direction | Controls the placement and direction of the widget in web display. In responsive/mobile view, the widget always adjusts to a single column vertical scrolling list below the player. Default: vertical
total | String | The total number of next videos to include in the widget. A maximum of four thumbnails can be displayed at once. If a larger number is specified for total , the widget scrolls to show the rest. |
Constructor enums
A string value setting the autoplay mode.
Value | Description |
never | Disables autoplay. |
always | Enables autoplay. |
on-scroll | Video automatically plays when the majority of the player is inside the viewport, and pauses when the majority of the player is out of view. |
A string value setting the location of the floating player.
Value | Description |
left | Shows floating player in the bottom left of the screen. |
right | Shows floating player in the bottom right of the screen. |
A string value setting the font face to use for the text elements of the player.
Value | Description |
<Google Font Name> | Loads and uses the specified Google Font. These fonts are supported on most modern browsers and mobile devices. For more details, see the Google Font FAQ |
inherit | Inherits the fonts being used on the current web page. |
false | Applies the default videoJS font family as set via CSS. |
A string value setting when to call the adTag.
Value | Description |
first-video | Calls the adTag on the first video in the playlist only. |
every-video | Calls the adTag on every video in the playlist. |
A string value setting the direction for upcoming videos.
Value | Description |
horizontal | Displays the thumbnails of upcoming videos horizontally. The widget is located below the player and is in addition to the dimensions defined for the player. |
vertical | Displays the thumbnails of upcoming videos horizontally. The widget is located to the right of the player and is displayed inside the dimensions defined for the player (the video is resized accordingly). |
Video tag attributes
Cloudinary attribute parameters are passed as part of the <video>
tag in the format data-cld-<configname>
. Complex objects are passed as JSON. The attributes listed below have the same descriptions, possible values and defaults as the parallel JavaScript video player constructor parameters listed above.
In addition to the Cloudinary-specific configurations, All HTML5 constructor attributes can be passed as HTML tag attributes as usual.
The following Cloudinary attribute parameters are supported. An example for each is shown:
data-cld-transformation='{ "width": 200, "crop": "limit" }'
data-cld-poster-options='{ "publicId": "sample", "effect": ["sepia"] }'
data-cld-source='{ "publicId": "mymovie", "transformation": { "width": 500 } }'
data-cld-source-types='["mp4", "ogg", "webm"]'
data-cld-source-transformation='{ "mp4": { "width": 410 } }'
data-cld-font-face="Yatra One"
data-cld-colors="{ "base": "#eef9ee", "accent": "#00e64c", "text": "#009688" }"
Instance methods
The video player methods below enable you to get or set properties, or perform operations on your player after the initial instance loads.
Most of the methods return the player instance, so you can chain method calls.
For example, the following code creates a playlist
for the player and then calls the play
vplayer.playlist(['mymovie', 'movie2', 'movie3' ], { autoAdvance: 0 }).play()
And this code mutes the player, sets a transformation
that applies to all sources in that player, sets the source
video for the player and then calls the play
vplayer.mute().transformation({ effect: ["sepia"]} ).source(...).play()
You can use the instance methods for:
- Video source - set the video you want the player to play using the source method.
- Video configuration - configure playlists, transformations and more.
- Controls - handle basic video controls such as playing, pausing and adjusting the volume.
- Video player element - configure the video player element itself.
Video source
source(publicId or rawUrl,options)
Use the source method to set a new video source for the player and configure it. Configure the new source
using the following as constructor parameters. You can also get or set these as properties or operations on your source
object after the initial instance loads.
The Cloudinary public ID of the video to play. Can be specified as a standalone parameter or within the options parameter.
// publicId set in a standalone param
vplayer.source('mymovie', { transformation: { angle: 45 }, sourceTypes: ["webm/vp9", "mp4/h265", "mp4"] })
// publicId set in the options param
vplayer.source({ publicId: 'mymovie', transformation: { angle: 45 },
sourceTypes: ["webm/vp9", "mp4/h265", "mp4"] })
The full URL of the video to use as the source. If specifying a Cloudinary URL, you can include transformations within the URL as an alternative to defining them as part of the options parameter.
// Transformations using the options parameter
vplayer.source('', { transformation: { angle: 45 } })
// Transformations as part of the URL
- When using raw URLs, you must include the cloud name of the relevant Cloudinary product environment when creating your video player instance to support video analytics data.
- Any transformations included in the URL will overwrite any defined using the options parameter.
Param | Type | Description |
chapters | Boolean or Object | The chapters defined for the video source. Can be added by:
info | Object | The title, subtitle, and description of the video, used in the main player view, upcoming video for playlists, and the recommendations pane. For example: vplayer.source('mymovie', {info: { title: 'My Title', subtitle: 'Something about the video', description: 'More detail about the video' } })
interactionAreas | Object | Configuration for adding areas of interaction to the video player for the specified source. Allows the viewer to click on the video and interact with it, for example zooming in on an area of the video. For more information, see Interactive Video. |
maxTries | Integer | The maximum number of times the video player will attempt to request a video. Multiple requests may be necessary if the video is still being processed when it is first requested. Default = 3 . Can be used in conjunction with videoTimeout
poster | Object | The poster to show while the video source is loading. Default: the middle image of the source video (/video/publicId.jpg ) |
recommendations | Array, Function, or Promise | The source objects to be shown as recommendations for the current source . Can be specified as an array of sources, or a function or Promise that resolves into an array of sources. See showing video recommendations for more. |
shoppable | Object | Configuration for adding components to the video player UI for the specified source. Allows the viewer to click on items for purchase. For more information, see Shoppable Video. |
sourceTypes | Array | The video source types (and optionally the corresponding codecs) that will be available for the player to request (as appropriate for the current browser). If a source type can't be played in the requesting browser, the next source in the array will be tried. Add the codec after the source type and separate with a '/', for example: mp4/h265 . For HLS and MPEG-DASH, use the values hls and dash respectively and optionally specify a codec as described above. For automatic format selection, use auto . For audio only, use audio . If you also define a codec as part of a transformation, this will override the source type. Default: f_auto:video . By default, automatic format selection is applied, which selects the optimal file type based on the user's device and browser. |
sourceTransformation | Object | Default transformations to apply to a specific source type. For example: vplayer.source('mymovie'), {sourceTransformation({ 'mp4': { width: 410 }}}) . See sourceTransformation method for syntax. |
textTracks | TextTracks | The text tracks to add to the video source, used to add subtitles or captions. For example: Use the |
transformation | cloudinary.Transformation, Object, Array or String | The transformation to apply on the specified video source. See transformation method for syntax. |
type | String | The video source type. This is used to specify a video source as a live stream. Possible values: live . |
videoTimeout | Integer | The maximum time (in milliseconds) that the video player will wait for a video to be available in each video request. This may be relevant if the video is still being processed when it is first requested. Default = 55000 . Can be used in conjunction with maxTries . |
Text tracks
An object containing configuration for your text tracks. You can specify a single captions
object, an array of subtitles
and an options
Param | Type | Description |
captions | TextTrack | A single text track object for defining the main video captions. |
subtitles | Array of TextTrack objects | An array of text track objects for defining the various subtitles, such as multiple languages. |
options | TextTracksOptions | The options for controlling the visual display of the subtitles. |
For example:
player.source('outdoors', {
textTracks: {
captions: {
label: 'English (Captions)',
default: true,
url: ''
Or when using auto transcription and translation:
textTracks: {
captions: {
label: 'English (Original)',
default: true,
subtitles: [
label: 'French',
language: 'fr-FR',
label: 'Spanish',
language: 'es',
label: 'German',
language: 'de',
Text track
Param | Type | Description |
default | Boolean | Whether the text track should be displayed by default when the video is loaded. |
label | String | The label that appears in the menu when toggling captions/subtitles, e.g. "English". |
language | String | The language and country code of the text track, e.g. "en-US". Use this only to add translated transcript files. |
maxWords | Integer | The maximum number of words to display on each subtitle frame. Not supported for translated transcript files. |
url | String | Optional. The link to the vtt , srt or transcript file to use for the text track. You can upload your files to Cloudinary as raw files or generate them with auto transcription. If no URL is specified, the player will attempt to use the .transcript file with the same public ID as the video or, for translated transcripts, the same public ID with the language and country code appended. |
wordHighlight | Boolean | Whether to highlight the words to show exactly when each individual word is spoken in the video. Not supported for translated transcript files. |
Text tracks options
Param | Type | Description |
box | Object | The location and size of the containing box that shows the text tracks. Define the width and height and set the x and y coordinates to position the box. For example: {x: "0%", y: "0%", width: "100%", height: "100%"}
fontFace | String | The font face to use for your text tracks. Supports any Google font. |
fontSize | String | The font size to use for your text tracks. Use relative units only, such as % or em . |
gravity | String | The position of the text tracks on the video or in the containing box . Supports the directional values top , right , bottom , left , center , and their combinations: top-right , bottom-right , bottom-left , top-left . Default: bottom
style | Object | CSS styling to apply to the text. For example: {color: black} . |
theme | String | A set of predefined styles to apply to the text tracks. Possible values: default , videojs-default , yellow-outlined , player-colors , 3d . Default: default . |
Video configuration
- currentPublicId
- playlist
- playlistByTag
- sourcesByTag
- autoShowRecommendations
- sourceTypes
- sourceTransformation
- transformation
- posterOptions
Use the currentPublicId method to get the current source's Cloudinary public ID.
Use the playlist method to get or set a list of video sources to play in the player, including any required transformations.
The video sources to play in the playlist, see source for more information.
Param | Type | Description |
autoAdvance | Number or false
Whether to auto-advance to the next video and the delay between them. Possible values: - 0 : Advance Immediately. - Any positive value: Delay in seconds between videos. - false : Do not advance |
repeat | Boolean | Whether to loop back to the first video after the last video in the playlist ends. |
presentUpcoming | Boolean | Whether to display a thumbnail link of the next video in the list when the current video is almost finished. Possible values: - false : Default. Do not present upcoming videos. - true : Present upcoming videos 10 seconds before the end of the current video. - Any positive value - Seconds before the end of the current video to show the upcoming video. |
You can also change these options and perform many other operations on the playlist instance after the player is created. For details, see: Playlist operations.
// Play video with publicId 'movie2', followed by a video with
// publicId 'mymovie' and an override transformation, followed
// by a video with a publicId 'movie3'.
// Automatically advance from finished video to the next after
// 10 seconds.
// Restart the playlist from the beginning when finished.
{ publicId: 'mymovie',
transformation: { width: 500, crop: 'pad' } },
], autoAdvance: 10, repeat: true)
// Same as before, without any delay between videos and
// stops after playing the last video.
{ publicId: 'mymovie',
transformation: { width: 500, crop: 'pad' } },
], autoAdvance: 0, repeat: false)
Use the playlistByTag method to perform a call to the client-side asset list operation and return a promise object that when fulfilled, returns the player with a playlist comprised of all videos in your product environment with the specified tag.
String value representing the tag name with which to build the playlist from.
Param | Type | Description |
sorter | Function | By default, the video list is sorted in the order returned by Cloudinary. This parameter receives a function that sets the order of the retrieved video sources. Your function should receive two entries and determine which one comes first. This sorter behavior works similarly to the JavaScript array CompareFunction. |
sourceParams | Object | Source settings that will apply to all retrieved videos. |
autoAdvance | Number or false
Whether to auto-advance to the next video and the delay between them. Possible values: - 0 : Advance Immediately. - Any positive value: Delay in seconds between videos. - false : Do not advance |
repeat | Boolean | Whether to loop back to the first video after the last video in the playlist ends. |
presentUpcoming | Boolean | Whether to display a thumbnail link of the next video in the list when the current video is almost finished. Possible values: - false : Default. Do not present upcoming videos. - true : Present upcoming videos 10 seconds before the end of the current video. - Any positive value - Seconds before the end of the current video to show the upcoming video. |
Use the sourcesByTag method to retrieve the (promise of) the video sources for a specified tag without actually creating the playlist. This method has the same syntax and supports the same options as the playlistByTag
Use the autoShowRecommendations boolean method to determine whether to show recommendations at the end of the current video, if available. For playlists where autoAdvance
is false
, the next videos are automatically used as the recommendations, if none are explicitly defined. For players with a single source, in addition to setting autoShowRecommendations
to true
, you must explicitly define the videos to recommend (or provide a function or Promise that returns and array of sources) using the source.recommendations
parameter. You can also optionally use the source.recommendations
parameter for sources in a playlist, which overrides the default behavior of showing the next videos as recommendations.
Use the sourceTypes method to get or set the default source types (and optionally the corresponding codecs) that will be used for every video. If a source type can't be played in the requesting browser, the next source in the array will be tried. Add the codec after the source type and separate with a '/', for example: mp4/h265
For HLS and MPEG-DASH, use the values hls
and dash
respectively and optionally specify a codec as described above.
For automatic format selection, use auto
For audio only, use audio
If you also define a codec as part of a transformation, this will override the source type.
Default: Default: f_auto:video
. By default, automatic format selection is applied, which selects the optimal file type based on the user's device and browser.
vplayer.sourceTypes(['webm/vp9', 'mp4/h265', 'auto'])
Use the sourceTransformation method to set the default transformation that will be used for all videos of the specified source type.
vplayer.sourceTransformation({ 'mp4': { width: 410 } })
To get the transformation set for a particular source type, use:
mp4Tran = sourceTransformation().mp4
transformation(cloudinary.Transformation, Object, Array or String)
Use the transformation method to get or set the base transformation of the player.
// Sets transformation using cloudinary.Transformation
var trans = new cloudinary.Transformation
// Sets transformation using a simple Object
vplayer.transformation({ width: 500, height: 600, crop: 'limit' })
Use the posterOptions method to get or set the public ID and/or transformation to apply from now on when a new video loads. By default, every new video that loads uses the middle image of that video (/video/publicId.jpg
Param | Type | Description |
publicId | string | The public ID of the image to use as the poster. |
transformation | cloudinary.Transformation, Object, Array or String | The transformation to apply on the specified video source. See transformation method for syntax |
posterColor | string | A constant color to display instead of an image. Not relevant if also including the publicId or transformation parameters in the posterOptions object. The color can be a string value representing an RGB or RGBA hex triplet or quadruplet, a 3- or 4-digit RGB/RGBA hex, or a named color. |
// Apply a sepia effect to each poster
vplayer.posterOptions({ transformation: { effect: ['sepia'] } })
// Set a fixed poster with a sepia effect to all videos:
vplayer.posterOptions({ publicId: 'sample', transformation: { effect: ['sepia'] } })
// Set the poster to red for all videos
vplayer.posterOptions({ posterColor: 'red' })
- play
- pause
- stop
- playNext
- playPrevious
- volume
- mute
- unmute
- isMuted
- currentTime
- maximize
- exitMaximize
- isMaximized
- duration
Use the play method to play the current video.
Use the pause method to pause the current video.
Use the stop method to stop the current video (Same as Pause + set currentTime to 0).
Use the playNext method to play the next video in the playlist.
Use the playPrevious method to play the previous video in the playlist.
Use the volume method to get or set the video player volume level. The volume is a value between 0 (muted) and 1 (max volume).
Use the mute method to mute the video player.
Use the unmute method to unmute the video player and revert the previous volume level.
Use the isMuted method to return whether the player is currently muted.
Use the currentTime method to get or set the current time of the video that is playing.
// Seek to the beginning of the video
Use the duration method to return the duration of the currently playing video.
Use the maximize method to enter fullscreen mode.
Use the exitMaximize method to exit fullscreen mode.
Use the isMaximized method to return whether video player is in full screen.
Video Player element
Use the fluid method to determine whether to responsively resize the video to fit the size of its container or window.
// Create a toggle button that turns the responsive behavior on or off.
<button id="toggle-fluid" class="btn btn-default">Disable Fluid</button>
var player = cld.videoPlayer('example-player');
var source = { publicId: 'oceans'};
// Handle Fluid toggle button
document.querySelector("button#toggle-fluid").addEventListener("click", function() {
isFluid = !player.fluid()
this.innerHTML = isFluid ? 'Disable Fluid' : 'Enable Fluid'
Use the height method to get or set the video player's height.
Use the width method to get or set the video player's width.
Use the dispose method to dispose the video player and remove its element from the DOM.
Use the el method to return the video player DOM element.
on(event, callback)
Use the on method to register an event handler to the specified event.
var handler = function (event) {
console.log(event.eventData.percent + " percents played")
vplayer.on('percentsplayed', handler)
off(event, callback)
Use the off method to unregister an event handler from the specified event.'percentsplayed', handler)
Use the videoJS method to enable you to access all underlying capabilities of the VideoJS API. For details, see the VideoJS Player API.
You can register to video player events and then use these events to create custom video player controls or to trigger other custom behaviors in your application.
Additionally, some of these events can be tracked for Google Analytics or other analytics trackers.
- For an overview and instructions on working with video player events, see Using video events
- For information on tracking analytics data using events, see Tracking video player analytics.
You can register event handlers to the following standard HTML5 Video events:
, suspend
, abort
, error
, emptied
, stalled
, loadedmetadata
, loadeddata
, canplay
, canplaythrough
, playing
, waiting
, seeking
, seeked
, ended
, durationchange
, timeupdate
, progress
, play
, pause
, ratechange
, volumechange
, fullscreenchange
, posterchange
Additionally, the following events are also available for the Cloudinary Video Player:
Triggered when player is muted.
Triggered when player is unmuted.
Triggered when video playback reaches X percent out of the total video duration. The percents that trigger this event defined by the video player constructor's playedEventPercents
var vplayer = cld.videoPlayer("my-video", { playedEventPercents: [10, 50, 90] })
vplayer.on('percentsplayed', (event) => {
console.log(event.eventData.percent + " percents played")
Triggered when video playback reaches X seconds after the beginning of the video. Seconds are defined by the video player constructor's playedEventTimes
var vplayer = cld.videoPlayer("my-video", { playedEventTimes: [60, 120, 180] })
vplayer.on('timeplayed', (event) => {
console.log(event.eventData.time + " seconds played")
Triggers seekStart
and seekEnd
vplayer.on('seek', (event) => {
console.log("Start: " + event.eventData.seekStart + " End: " + event.eventData.seekEnd)
Triggered when the video player source changes.
Triggered when the adaptive bitrate quality changes. Returns the video height and width that the player changed from and to.
vplayer.on('qualitychanged', (event) => {
console.log("Quality changed from: " + event.eventData.from + " to: " +
You can listen for any errors with the error
event. You can then use the response from the error to determine how the video player should respond. For example, the function below shows a custom error message in the video player:
vplayer.on('error', function (e) {
if (e.Player.videojs.error_) {
var title = document.querySelector('.error-container');
title.innerHTML = 'Houston, we have a problem: ' + e.Player.videojs.error_.message + '. This is the status code: ' + e.Player.videojs.error_.statusCode; = 'red';
Playlist operations
You can create a playlist for your player based on a list of public IDs or for all videos with a specified tag. Use the methods below to control your playlist.
For an overview and instructions on creating a playlist, see Creating a playlist.
Operation | Description |
playAtIndex(index) | Sets the player's current video source as the one located at the specified 0-based index location in the playlist and starts playing it. |
currentIndex(index) | Gets or sets the current video source 0-based index value. |
currentSource() | Gets the currently playing source . |
list() | Gets an array of source instances for the playlist. |
repeat(repeat) | Gets or sets whether the playlist will replay the playlist from the beginning after the last video finishes playing. |
playFirst() | Sets the player's current video source to the first video source in the playlist and plays it. |
playLast() | Sets the player's current video source to the last in the playlist and plays it. |
length() | Returns the number of video sources in the playlist. |
playNext() | Sets the player's current source to the next source in the playlist and plays it. If the currently playing source is the last one in the list and repeat is set to true , the first source in the list plays. Otherwise, nothing happens. |
playPrevious() | Sets the player's current source to the previous source in the playlist and plays it. If the currently playing source is the first one in the list, nothing happens. |
player() | returns the videoPlayer for this playlist. |
autoAdvance(delay) | Gets or sets the autoAdvance configuration for the playlist. - A positive integer delay value sets the delay in seconds that the player will wait before playing the next video. - A value of false cancels auto advance. (To move to the next video use playNext ). - A value of 0 causes the next video to play immediately after the previous one finishes. |
presentUpcoming | Gets or sets the presentUpcoming configuration for the playlist. - A value of false cancels presentation of upcoming videos. - A value of true activates presentation of upcoming videos 10 seconds before the end of the current video. - A positive integer value sets the number of seconds before the end of the current video to show the upcoming video. |