Programmable Media

.NET asset management

Last updated: Oct-31-2023

While using Cloudinary, all your images, videos, and other raw files are uploaded to Cloudinary. You can use our Media Explorer web interface to browse through and manage your uploaded media assets. In addition, you can use methods from the Upload and Admin APIs, which offer methods for managing, organizing, and creating media assets.

  • Upload API methods can be used as needed.
  • Admin API methods are rate-limited.
    You can view the number of hourly Admin API requests allowed by your Cloudinary plan in the Account page of your Console Settings.

Upload API

In addition to the upload method, this API includes methods for:

Admin API

A secure API with methods for managing and organizing your media assets, including:

The default resource type for most API requests is image. When working with videos, remember to explicitly set the resource_type to video.

Upload API example - delete a single asset

The following .NET example uses the Upload API Destroy method to delete the video with public ID sample from your Cloudinary product environment:

var account = new Account(

var cloudinary = new Cloudinary(account);

var deletionParams = new DeletionParams("sample"){
  ResourceType = "video"};
var deletionResult = cloudinary.Destroy(deletionParams);

Sample output:

  "result": "ok"

To delete multiple assets use the Admin API DeleteResources method.

For more Upload API examples in .NET, select the .NET tab in the Upload API reference.

Admin API example - get details of a single asset

The following .NET example uses the Admin API GetResource method to return details of the image with public ID sample (all details are deserialized into an instance of the GetResourceResult class):

var account = new Account(

var cloudinary = new Cloudinary(account);
var getResult = cloudinary.GetResource("sample");

* RESPONSE (GetResourceResult):
* {
*  "asset_id":"d86882d7788f5d1d702cb63418f082a6",
*  "public_id":"sample",
*  "format":"jpg",
*  "version":1375283820,
*  "resource_type":"image",
*  "type":"upload",
*  "created_at":"2017-07-31T15:16:53Z",
*  "bytes":759100,
*  "width":1920,
*  "height":1200,
*  "url":"",
*  "secure_url":"",
*  "next_cursor":"fe2b0ab2d84c668edaa38d9a528884c8",
*  "derived":[
*  {
*    "transformation":"w_10/a_10/png",
*    "format":"png",
*    "bytes":432,
*    "id":"e76bf3dcb7bb81aa7f5a34a5a90ed2b3",
*    "url":"",
*    "secure_url":""
*  },
*  {
*    "transformation":"w_100",
*    "format":"jpg",
*    "bytes":3434,
*    "id":"94a81bec64d7ac730febfe84595ff23d",
*    "url":"",
*    "secure_url":""
*  }]
* }

For more Admin API examples in .NET, select the .NET tab in the Admin API reference.

Asynchronous API methods

Each of the methods in the upload and Admin APIs has an asynchronous version for .NET. To call the asynchronous version of a method, append Async to the method name.

For example:

  • the Upload method becomes UploadAsync
  • the Rename method becomes RenameAsync
  • the Destroy method becomes DestroyAsync

The following C# code uses the asynchronous method to upload an image:

var uploadParams = new ImageUploadParams()
    File = new FileDescription(@"mypicture.jpg")

Task<ImageUploadResult> imageUploadTask = cloudinary.UploadAsync(uploadParams);

var uploadResult = await imageUploadTask;

Asynchronous methods enable asynchronous programming on the client side, so that your main thread is not blocked by tasks that take a long time, and other tasks can run simultaneously (see the Microsoft .NET Programming Guide if you are unfamiliar with asynchronous programming).

Do not confuse asynchronous methods with the async parameter in the upload API, which allows requests to be handled asynchronously by Cloudinary on the server side.

For a full list of the API methods, see the Upload API Reference and Admin API Reference.

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