Programmable Media

Create assets

Last updated: Dec-05-2024

Cloudinary provides a variety of methods to create new assets in your product environment.

These methods create new assets in your product environment with their own public IDs, as opposed to the assets that are generated (derived) when using transformations, which are cached in the CDN, but aren't stored in your product environment with their own public IDs.
Topic Description
Animated images Create a single animated image from multiple image assets, where each asset is used as a single frame of the resulting animated image.
Archives Create an archive containing multiple assets, with or without transformations applied.
Sprites Create and deliver sprite images with their corresponding CSS based on all images with a specified tag.
Image collages Create image collages from multiple image assets, combined together in a specific layout, with spacing and colors defined in a template.
PDF files from images Create a PDF from multiple image assets, where each asset is used as a single frame of the resulting PDF file.
Images from text Create an image of a given textual string and customize the look & feel of the resulting image with various font, color and style parameters.

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