Responsive images using the cloudinary-core JS library
Last updated: Apr-18-2024
Using the cloudinary-core JS library, you can create the correct DPR (Device Pixel Ratio) image for devices that support higher resolutions, in addition to automating the width. The JavaScript code checks the DPR of the device as well as the space available for the image. Users of devices with high pixel density will get a great visual result, while low-DPR users don't have to wait needlessly for larger images to load.
If you want to automate only the width of the image without taking the device's DPR into account, then it is preferable to use the frontend frameworks solution.
Cloudinary's cloudinary-core library includes a method that automatically builds the dynamic image URLs and works as follows:
- A Cloudinary dynamic transformation URL is automatically built on the fly to deliver an image that is scaled to the exact available width and resolution.
- If the browser window is consequently enlarged then new higher resolution images are automatically delivered, while using breakpoint steps (every 100px by default) to prevent loading too many images.
- If the browser window is scaled down, browser-side scaling is used instead of delivering a new image.
This feature allows you to upload one high resolution image to Cloudinary, and have it automatically adapt to the resolution and size appropriate to each user's device or browser on the fly.
and w_auto
with the actual values on the client side based on the screen properties and viewport width. In contrast, the Client-Hints based solution allows you to simplify your code and perform the dynamic decisions on the server side (CDN level) based on Client-Hints, but only for supported browsers.Automating responsiveness with the cloudinary-core JS library
See how the layout and images (including the text overlays) dynamically respond to the width of the browser when this responsive solution is used. Follow the steps below to implement the responsive solution with the cloudinary-core JS library.
- The text overlays change based on the DPR of the device and the width of the delivered image (
are replaced with the actual values on the client side based on the screen properties and viewport width. - When the browser width is wide, the first images delivered are smaller in dimensions. As you make the browser narrower, the individual columns get more space on the next breakpoint, so larger images are requested to fill the larger available space.
- The change in overlay width indicates that a new image was requested and displayed.
- When increasing the width of the page, as the largest version with the best resolution was already requested and delivered, that version is used and scaled down on the client side, so the overlays don't change back.
Step 1: include the Cloudinary JavaScript library
Include the Cloudinary cloudinary-core library in your HTML pages:
src="{{install path/}}cloudinary-core-shrinkwrap.js"
- The
library is a shrinkwrapped version of thecloudinary-core
library (it is not dependent onlodash
). See the GitHub JavaScript installation documentation for more information and details on the various library installation options (all the options include the responsive support as discussed here). - Instead of installing the files, the latest version of the
files can also be directly referenced from
. For production use, we recommend that you use a specific version, and not the latest, to protect yourself from any breaking changes.
Step 2: set the img tag parameters
For each image to display responsively:
- Set the
attribute of theimg
tag to the URL of an image that was uploaded to Cloudinary. There is no need to set thesrc
attribute of theimg
tag as it is updated dynamically. However, you can optionally set the src attribute to a placeholder image that is displayed until the image is loaded. - Set the
parameter tolimit
and thewidth
parameters toauto
in URLs). This allows the SDK to dynamically generate an image URL scaled to the correct width value, based on the DPR of the device and the detected width actually available for the image in the containing element. - Add the
class to the image tag. This is the default class name, but you can use custom class names and programmatically make HTML elements become responsive.
For example:
Step 3: call the Cloudinary responsive method
Add a call to Cloudinary's responsive
JavaScript method at the end of the HTML page.
<script type="text/javascript">
var cl ={cloud_name: "demo"});
// replace 'demo' with your cloud name in the line above
The responsive
method looks for all images in the page that have the "cld-responsive" class name, detects the available width for the image on the page, and then updates the HTML image tags accordingly. The image is also updated whenever the viewport size or screen resolution changes.
Responsive images using the cloudinary-core JS library interactive demo
Try this responsive demo to see how the browser loads different sized images based on the viewport width.
See notes on this demo.
View the demo code in GitHub.
Overriding default values
By default, the responsive method uses a breakpoint steps value of 100 pixels, and always uses the breakpoints to determine the width. These values can be overridden by using the config
method to pass new values for the breakpoints
and responsive_use_breakpoints
parameters as follows:
: A function or set of values to be used when resizing the browser window and a larger image needs to be delivered. For example:
a function to set the breakpoints steps to every 50 pixels:
JSdefaultBreakpoints = function(width) { // width - the current width of the containing element return 50 * Math.ceil(width / 50); };
an array of values:
JSdefaultBreakpoints = [50, 90, 130, 170, 200, 300, 450, 550, 700, 850, 1000];
: A string value determining when to use the breakpoint steps:
- true - (default) always use breakpoints for width.
- resize - use the exact width of the containing element on initial render, then proceed with breakpoints.
- false - always use the containing element's width.
Both of the above parameters need to be passed with the config
method. For example, calling to Cloudinary's responsive
JavaScript method at the end of the HTML page, and also configuring the breakpoints step to every 50 pixels and to use the exact width of the containing element on initial render:
<script type="text/javascript">
my_breakpoints = function (width){ // width - the current width of the containing element
return 50 * Math.ceil(width / 50);
var cl ={cloud_name: "demo"});
// replace 'demo' with your cloud name in the line above
cl.config({breakpoints:my_breakpoints, responsive_use_breakpoints:"resize"})
SDK support
The responsive design can be implemented with the Cloudinary SDK's helper methods (e.g. cl_image_tag
in Ruby on Rails). Setting the crop
parameter to limit
and the width
and dpr
parameters to auto
creates an HTML image tag with a blank src
attribute while the data-src
attribute points to a dynamic image transformation URL. When you load Cloudinary's cloudinary-core
library and call the responsive
method, the JavaScript code will check the DPR of the device as well as the space available for the image. The image tags are automatically updated and the image URLs are replaced with new URLs that include the updated width and DPR values. You can also set a placeholder image using the responsive_placeholder
parameter, or set it to an inline blank image by setting the parameter to blank
For example, creating an HTML image tag for the "smiling_man.jpg" image with the width automatically determined on the fly as needed, and using a blank image placeholder:
cloudinary.image("smiling_man.jpg", { width: "auto", responsive: "true",
dpr: "auto", crop: "limit", responsive_placeholder: "blank" })
The code above generates the following HTML image tag: