Moderate images with AI (video tutorial)
Last updated: Oct-16-2024
Moderate images automatically during upload by applying AI using Cloudinary and Amazon Rekognition, in Node.js.
Video tutorial
Tutorial contents
This tutorial presents the following topics. Click a timestamp to jump to that part of the video.
Automatic image moderation
When you have thousands of images being uploaded to your site, moderating them manually isn't feasible. Instead, you can moderate them automatically using AI. | |
Manual image moderation
When using the Node.js SDK upload call to upload an image, you can set the moderation parameter to manual (as shown below). This sets the moderation status to pending in the upload response. You can find assets pending manual moderation in the Cloudinary Console, in the Moderation page of the Media Library, with Manual selected. There, you can manually approve or reject the assets. |
const results = await cloudinary.uploader.upload("./images/food.jpg", {
moderation: "manual"
Image moderation using Amazon Rekognition
To moderate images automatically using Amazon Rekognition, first subscribe to the Amazon Rekognition AI Moderation add-on, then set moderation to aws_rek . There are various moderation categories that you can set thresholds for in the upload call. Images are approved or rejected automatically based on the confidence threshold of the detected content. They are set to a 0.5 threshold by default. |
const results = await cloudinary.uploader.upload("./images/food.jpg", {
moderation: "aws_rek"
Set automatic moderation in an upload preset
You can use an upload preset to configure automatic moderation. In the Upload settings of your product environment, you can create an upload preset with Amazon Rekognition set and you can fine tune the category thresholds to suit your needs. | |
Keep learning
Related topics
- Read all about the Amazon Rekognition AI Moderation addon.
- Read this blog post for more insights on using Amazon Rekognition to moderate images.
- Take a look at the User-generated content guide to see all the features you can take advantage of when uploading images and videos to display on your site.
- Watch more Dev Hints videos on the Cloudinary YouTube channel.
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