Flutter image and video upload
Last updated: Mar-06-2025
When using the Flutter SDK, you can use one of several options to upload files directly to Cloudinary without the need for server-side operations or authentication signatures.
Upload options
Upload endpoint
The upload endpoint is https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/<CLOUD_NAME>/upload
. To use the endpoint in your application, write a function that calls the Cloudinary upload
endpoint and pass:
- An unsigned upload preset with the upload method options you want to apply for all files
- The file(s) to upload
- Other unsigned upload parameters to apply to the selected files (e.g.
, if needed).
For example:
// Add this dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
// dependencies:
// http: ^0.13.5
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'dart:convert';
void main() async{
CloudinaryContext.cloudinary = Cloudinary.fromCloudName(cloudName: '<cloud_name>');
var data=await upload();
upload() async{
var resp = await http.post(Uri.parse('https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/<cloud_name>/upload?file=https://cloudinary-devs.github.io/cld-docs-assets/assets/images/<file_name>&upload_preset=<upload_preset>&api_key=<api_key>&public_id=<public_id>'));
var data = json.decode(resp.body);
return data;
Upload endpoint video tutorial
Watch this video tutorial to see how to upload images from your Flutter app to Cloudinary using the Upload API:
Tutorial contents
Upload widget
The Upload widget is a ready-made, responsive user interface that enables your users to upload files from a variety of sources directly to Cloudinary. You can customize and embed this UI in a WebView Flutter widget with just a few lines of code.
Check out the following Upload Widget code explorer that you can fork to try out some sample configuration changes:
This code is also available in GitHub.
Code examples
- Code sample: Implement the upload widget.
- CodeSandbox: Upload multiple files using a form in pure JavaScript using the Cloudinary upload endpoint.