Programmable Media

Generative AI transformations

Last updated: Jan-20-2025

Cloudinary offers a range of transformations powered by generative AI, including generative background replace for creating alternative backgrounds, generative fill to naturally extend images to fit new dimensions, generative recolor to adjust image hues, generative remove for seamless removal of elements, generative replace to substitute items within images, and generative restore to revitalize degraded visuals.

You can use natural language in most of these transformations as prompts to guide the generation process.

Here are some examples of generative AI transformations on the same image. Click each image to see the URL parameters applied in each case:

Recolor the shorts Recolor the
Extend the image Extend the
Replace the shirt Replace the

See AI in Action for more uses of AI within Cloudinary.

Generative background replace (Beta)

Use AI to generate an alternative background for your images. The new background takes into account the foreground elements, positioning them naturally within the scene.

Generative background replace is currently in Beta. There may be minor changes in functionality before the general access release. We would appreciate any feedback via our support team.

For images with transparency, the generated background replaces the transparent area. For images without transparency, the effect first determines the foreground elements and leaves those areas intact, while replacing the background.

You can use generative background replace without a prompt, and let the AI decide what to show in the background, based on the foreground elements. For example, replace the background of this image (e_gen_background_replace):

Open In Transformation Builder
Original Image Original image Replace the background Replace the background

Alternatively, you can use a natural language prompt to guide the AI and describe what you want to see in the background. For example, place the model in front of an old castle (e_gen_background_replace:prompt_an%20old%20castle):

Open In Transformation Builder
Background replaced in image of a model

Generate different backgrounds

The same background is generated every time you use the same prompt (and keep any preceding transformations the same). You can generate a different background with the same prompt (or no prompt) by setting theseed parameter. A different result is generated for each value you set. For example, regenerate the background for the old castle example (e_gen_background_replace:prompt_an%20old%20castle;seed_1):

Background replaced in image of a model

If you want to reproduce a background, use the same seed value, and make sure to keep any preceding transformation parameters the same. Subsequent parameters can be different, for example, scale down the same image:

Background replaced in image of a model and scaled down

Replace transparent backgrounds

In this next example, the transparent background of the original image is replaced to give context to the motorbike (e_gen_background_replace:prompt_a%20deserted%20street):

Open In Transformation Builder
Original Image Original image Replace the background Replace the background

Notes and limitations:
  • The use of generative AI means that results may not be 100% accurate.
  • There's a special transformation count for the generative background replace effect.
  • If you get blurred results when using this feature, it's likely that the built-in NSFW (Not Safe For Work) check has detected something inappropriate. You can contact support to disable this check if you believe it's too sensitive.
  • The generative background replace effect isn't supported for animated images, fetched images or incoming transformations.
  • Initial transformation requests may result in a 423 error response while the transformation is being processed. You can prepare derived versions in advance using an eager transformation.

See full syntax: e_gen_background_replace in the Transformation Reference.

Try it out: Generative background replace in the Transformation Center.

Generative fill

When resizing images using one of the padding crop modes (pad, lpad, mpad or fill_pad), rather than specifying a background color or using content-aware padding, you can seamlessly extend the existing image into the padded area.

Using generative AI, you can automatically add visually realistic pixels to either or both dimensions of the image. Optionally specify a prompt to guide the result of the generation.

To extend the width of an image, specify the aspect ratio such that the width needs padding. For example, change the following portrait image to be landscape by specifying an aspect ratio of 16:9 with a padding crop, then fill in the extended width using the gen_fill background option (b_gen_fill in URLs):

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image of a moped in a street Original image Extended street Seamlessly fill the extended width

Similarly, you can change a landscape image into portrait dimensions by specifying the aspect ratio such that the height needs padding:

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image of a bench outside a house Original image Extended house Seamlessly fill the
extended height

To extend both the width and the height of an image, you can use the minimum pad mode, ensuring that the dimensions you specify are greater than the original image dimensions. For example, extend this 640 x 480 pixel image to fill a 1100 x 1100 pixel square:

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image of a Gaudi mosaic Original image Extended mosaic Seamlessly fill both
extended dimensions

Extend an image in one direction

When using padding modes, you can use the gravity parameter to position the original image within the padding, for example, perhaps with the first example, you only want to extend the image to the left, you can position the original image to the right by setting gravity to east:

Open In Transformation Builder
Moped in a street - extend west

Extend an image with specific elements

If you want to see something specific in the generated parts of the image, you can specify a prompt using natural language. For example, add a box of cookies to the extended region (b_gen_fill:prompt_box%20of%20cookies):

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image of a kid's desk Original image
Extended desktop with a box of cookies Include a box of cookies
Extended desktop No prompt

Generate different filled backgrounds

The same filled background is generated every time you use the same prompt (and keep any preceding transformations the same). You can generate a different filled background with the same prompt (or no prompt) by setting the seed parameter. A different result is generated for each value you set. For example, regenerate the filled background for the box of cookies example (b_gen_fill:prompt_box%20of%20cookies;seed_1,c_pad,h_400,w_1500):

Extended background including a box of cookies

To reproduce a filled background, use the same seed value, and make sure to keep any preceding transformation parameters the same. Subsequent parameters can be different, for example, scale down the same image:

Extended background including a box of cookies

Notes and limitations:
  • Generative fill can only be used on non-transparent images.
  • There is a special transformation count for generative fill.
  • Generative fill is not supported for animated images, fetched images or incoming transformations.
  • If you get blurred results when using this feature, it is likely that the built-in NSFW (Not Safe For Work) check has detected something inappropriate. You can contact support to disable this check if you believe it is too sensitive.
  • Initial transformation requests may result in a 423 error response while the transformation is being processed. You can prepare derived versions in advance using an eager transformation.

See full syntax: b_gen_fill in the Transformation Reference.

Try it out: Generative fill in the Transformation Center.

Generative recolor

Recolor elements of your images using generative AI.

Use natural language to describe what you want to recolor in the image. For example, turn the jacket on the right pink (e_gen_recolor:prompt_the%20jacket%20on%20the%20right;to-color_pink):

Original image of three people in jackets Original image Right jacket recolored pink Right jacket recolored pink

Recolor multiple elements

To recolor all instances of the prompt in the image, specify multiple_true, for example, recolor all the devices in the following image to a particular orange color, with hex code EA672A:

Original image of people on devices Original image All devices recolored orange All devices recolored orange

Consider using Replace color if you want to recolor everything of a particular color in your image, rather than specific elements.

If there are a number of different things that you want to recolor, you can specify more than one prompt. Note that when you specify more than one prompt, multiple instances of each prompt are recolored, regardless of the multiple parameter setting. For example, in this image, all devices and both people's hair are recolored:

Open In Transformation Builder
Devices and hair recolored

Recolor multicolored objects

If the items to recolor contain many colors, you can specify the colors to change based on their dominance in the items (using a zero-based index). For example, in the image below, the blue is the third most dominant color of the dress and the most dominant color of the jacket. Therefore, to recolor both of these to a burgundy color (hex color #800020), you can chain two recolor actions:

  • e_gen_recolor:prompt_dress;apply-to-tier_(2);to-color_800020: recolors the third most dominant color in the dress to burgundy.
  • e_gen_recolor:prompt_jacket;apply-to-tier_(0);to-color_800020: recolors the most dominant color in the jacket to burgundy.

Original image of a woman Original image Color changes by dominance Color changes by dominance

Specify multiple colors to change by separating the dominant indices with semicolons. For example, change the fourth and fifth most dominant colors to green (hex color #58d68d) in the sweater (prompt_sweater;to-color_58d68d;apply-to-tier_(3;4)). The yellow and gray colors change to green:

Original image of a woman Original image Color changes by dominance Color changes by dominance

AI-powered object recolor demo

Notes and limitations:
  • The generative recolor effect can only be used on non-transparent images.
  • The use of generative AI means that results may not be 100% accurate.
  • The generative recolor effect works best on simple objects that are clearly visible, and not abstract concepts such as "background".
  • Very small objects and very large objects may not be detected.
  • During processing, large images are downscaled to a maximum of 2048 x 2048 pixels, then upscaled back to their original size, which may affect quality.
  • When you specify more than one prompt, all the objects specified in each of the prompts will be recolored whether or not multiple_true is specified in the URL.
  • There is a special transformation count for the generative recolor effect.
  • The generative recolor effect is not supported for animated images, fetched images or incoming transformations.
  • User-defined variables cannot be used for the prompt when more than one prompt is specified.
  • Initial transformation requests may result in a 423 error response while the transformation is being processed. You can prepare derived versions in advance using an eager transformation.

See full syntax: e_gen_recolor in the Transformation Reference.

Try it out: Generative recolor in the Transformation Center.

Generative remove

This effect uses generative AI to remove an object from an image and fill in the space with artificially generated, visually realistic pixels.

Use natural language to describe what you want to remove from the image, for example, remove the stick from this image of a dog with a stick in its mouth (e_gen_remove:prompt_the%20stick):

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image of dog with stick Original image Dog with stick removed Remove the stick

The natural language lets you be specific about what you want to remove. In the following example, specifying only 'the child' removes the child in the middle, whereas specifying the 'the child in green' removes the child wearing the green jacket:

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image of family Original image
Family with middle child removed Remove the child Family with child in green removed Remove the child in green

Remove multiple items

If there is more than one of the same item in an image, you can remove them all using by setting multiple to true. For example, remove all the geese in this image (e_gen_remove:prompt_goose;multiple_true):

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image with geese Original image Scene  with geese removed Remove all the geese

Otherwise, only one is removed:

Open In Transformation Builder
One goose removed from the picture

If there are a number of different things that you want to remove, you can specify more than one prompt. Note that when you specify more than one prompt, multiple instances of each prompt are removed regardless of the multiple parameter setting. For example, in this image, all phones are removed, together with the mouse and keyboard:

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image with gadgets Original image Scene  with geese removed Remove specified gadgets

Remove items from a region

You can also specify one or more region if you know the co-ordinates of the pixels that you want to remove. For each region, specify the x,y co-ordinates of the top left of the region, plus its width and height in pixels. For example, remove the objects from the top left and bottom right of the image:

Various objects Original image Remove two regions Remove specified regions

Remove shadows and reflections

By default, shadows and reflections cast by objects specified in the prompt are not removed. If you want to remove the shadow/reflection, set the remove-shadow parameter to true:

Family on a beach Original image
Remove the dog Remove the dog
(but not its shadow by default)
Remove the dog and its shadow Remove the dog
(and its shadow)

Remove text

You can remove all the text from an image by setting the prompt to text e.g. e_gen_remove:prompt_text, or e_gen_remove:prompt_(dog;text).

For example, remove the text and person from this storefront (e_gen_remove:prompt_(text;person)):

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image Original image Remove the text and the person Remove the text
and the person

If you don't want to remove all the text in the image, specify the object you want to remove the text from by using the syntax text:<object> as the prompt (either as the only prompt, or together with other prompts as in the previous example).

For example, in the following image there is text in the main part of the image in addition to text on the mobile screen. You can remove the text on the mobile screen only, as follows (e_gen_remove:prompt_text:the%20mobile%20screen):

Open In Transformation Builder
Hospital poster Original image
Remove all the text Remove all the text Remove the text from the mobile screen only Remove the text
from the mobile screen only

Notes and limitations:
  • The generative remove effect can only be used on non-transparent images.
  • The use of generative AI means that results may not be 100% accurate.
  • The generative remove effect works best on simple objects that are clearly visible.
  • Very small objects and very large objects may not be detected.
  • Do not attempt to remove faces or hands.
  • During processing, large images are downscaled to a maximum of 6140 x 6140 pixels, then upscaled back to their original size, which may affect quality.
  • When you specify more than one prompt, all the objects specified in each of the prompts will be removed whether or not multiple_true is specified in the URL.
  • There is a special transformation count for the generative remove effect.
  • The generative remove effect is not supported for animated images, fetched images or incoming transformations.
  • User-defined variables cannot be used for the prompt when more than one prompt is specified.
  • Initial transformation requests may result in a 423 error response while the transformation is being processed. You can prepare derived versions in advance using an eager transformation.

See full syntax: e_gen_remove in the Transformation Reference.

Try it out: Generative remove in the Transformation Center.

Generative replace

This effect uses generative AI to replace objects in images with other objects.

Use natural language to describe what you want to replace in the image, and what to replace it with.

For example, replace "the picture" with "a mirror with a silver frame" (e_gen_replace:from_the%20picture;to_a%20mirror%20with%20a%20silver%20frame):

Original image with a picture on the wall Original image Picture replaced with mirror Picture replaced
with mirror

If you want to maintain the shape of the object you're replacing, set the preserve-geometry parameter to true. For example, below, notice the difference between the position of the sleeves and neckline of the sweater, with and without preserving the geometry when the shirt is replaced with a cable knit sweater:

Comparison of with and without preserve-geometry

Replace shirt with sweater - compare with and without preserving geometry
Original image of a woman in a shirt Original Shirt replaced with sweater Geometry
not preserved
Shirt replaced with sweater Geometry

Notes and limitations:
  • The generative replace effect can only be used on non-transparent images.
  • The use of generative AI means that results may not be 100% accurate.
  • The generative replace effect works best on simple objects that are clearly visible.
  • Very small objects and very large objects may not be detected.
  • Do not attempt to replace faces, hands or text.
  • During processing, large images are downscaled to a maximum of 2048 x 2048 pixels, then upscaled back to their original size, which may affect quality.
  • There is a special transformation count for the generative replace effect.
  • The generative replace effect is not supported for animated images, fetched images or incoming transformations.
  • Initial transformation requests may result in a 423 error response while the transformation is being processed. You can prepare derived versions in advance using an eager transformation.

See full syntax: e_gen_replace in the Transformation Reference.

Try it out: Generative replace in the Transformation Center.

Generative restore

Revitalize degraded and poor quality images using generative AI.

You can use the gen_restore effect (e_gen_restore in URLs) to improve images that have become degraded through repeated processing and compression, in addition to enhancing old images by improving sharpness and reducing noise.

Particularly useful for user-generated content (UGC), generative restore can:

  • Remove severe compression artifacts
  • Reduce noise from grainy images
  • Sharpen blurred images

Use the slider in this example to see the difference between the original image on the left and the restored image on the right:

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image Restored image

You can use the generative restore effect together with the improve effect for even better results. While generative restore tries to rectify compression artifacts, the improve effect addresses color, contrast and brightness.

Open In Transformation Builder
Original image Restored and improved image

See how the generative restore effect compares to other image enhancement options.

Notes and limitations:
  • The generative restore effect can only be used on non-transparent images.
  • The use of generative AI means that results may not be 100% accurate.
  • There is a special transformation count for the generative restore effect.
  • The generative restore effect is not supported for animated images, fetched images or incoming transformations.
  • Initial transformation requests may result in a 423 error response while the transformation is being processed. You can prepare derived versions in advance using an eager transformation.

See full syntax: e_gen_restore in the Transformation Reference.

Try it out: Generative restore in the Transformation Center.

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