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Detecting face landmarks and add filters overlays

We’ve all seen those cool Snapchat and Instagram filters that usually go over a person’s mouth or nose or eyes. This is made possible by machine learning and some clever image positioning. In this tutorial, we’ll be using face-api.js, to detect face landmarks and cloudinary to overlay images/filters over detected landmarks. We’re going to be building our application using next.js.

The final project can be viewed on Codesandbox.

You can find the full source code on my Github repository.

This is majorly a javascript project. Working knowledge of javascript is required. We’ll also be using React.js and a bit of Node.js. Knowledge of the two is recommended but not required. In addition, we have a machine learning(ML) aspect. For this basic tutorial, you won’t need any ML or Tensors knowledge. However, if you would like to train your own models or expand the functionality, you need to be conversant with the field.

Cloudinary is a service that allows developers to store different types of media, manipulate and transform the media and also optimize its delivery.

face-api.js is a JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser implemented on top of the tensorflow.js core API.

Next.js is a react framework that allows for production-grade features such as hybrid static & server rendering, file system routing, incremental static generation, and others.

Let’s start by creating a new Next.js project. This is fairly easy to do using the Next.js CLI app. Open your terminal in your desired folder and run the following command.

npx create-next-app face-landmark-filters

This scaffolds a new project called face-landmark-filters. You can change the name to any name you’d like. Change the directory into the new face-landmark-filters folder and open it in your favorite code editor.

cd face-landmark-filters

It’s quite easy to get started with a free cloudinary account if you do not already have one. Fire up your browser and go to cloudinary. Create an account if you don’t have one then proceed to log in. Over at the console page you’ll find the credentials you need.

Cloudinary Dashboard

Open your code editor and create a new file called .local.env at the root of your project. We’re going to be putting our environment variables in this file. In case you’re not familiar with environment variables, they allow us to abstract sensitive keys and secrets from our code. Read about support for environment variables in Next.js from the documentation.

Paste the following inside your .env.local file.




Replace YOUR_CLOUD_NAME, YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_API_SECRET with the cloud name, api key and api secret values that we got from the cloudinary console page.

We’re going to need a few node packages for this project.

The reason why we’re using @vladmandic/face-api instead of face-api.js is because face-api.js doesn’t seem to be actively maintained and is not compatible with newer versions of tensorflow.js.

@tensorflow/tfjs-node speeds up face and landmark detection using the ML models. It’s not required but nice to have the speed boost.

canvas will patch the Node.js environment to have support for graphical functions. It patches the HTMLImageElement and HTMLCanvasElement.

formidable will be responsible for parsing any form data that we receive in our api routes.

Run the following command to install all of the above

npm install cloudinary formidable @vladmandic/face-api @tensorflow/tfjs-node canvas

Code language: CSS (css)

face-api.js requires some pre-trained machine learning models that will allow TensorFlow to detect faces as well as facial landmarks. As I mentioned earlier, if you’d like to train your own models or extend the functionality, you need to have knowledge of ML and deep learning. The creator of face-api.js was generous enough to provide some pre-trained models along with the library. Download the models at and save them in your project inside the public/models folder. You can also get the full source code for this tutorial on my github with all the models already added.

We also need the images that we are going to be using as filters. These need to be PNGs with a transparent background. For ease, you can download the images from and save them inside the public/images folder. Again, you can also get the full source code for this tutorial on my github with all the images already added.

Create a folder named lib at the root of your project. Inside this folder create a file called parse-form.js. Paste the following code inside lib/parse-form.js

// lib/parse-form.js


import  {  IncomingForm,  Files,  Fields  }  from  "formidable";



* Parses the incoming form data.


* @param  {NextApiRequest}  req The incoming request object

* @returns  {Promise<{fields:Fields;files:Files;}>} The parsed form data


export  const  parseForm  =  (req)  =>  {

return  new  Promise((resolve,  reject)  =>  {

// Create a new incoming form

const  form  =  new  IncomingForm({ keepExtensions:  true, multiples:  true  });


form.parse(req,  (error,  fields,  files)  =>  {

if  (error)  {

return  reject(error);



return  resolve({  fields,  files  });




Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This file exports a function called parseForm. This will use formidable to parse any requests that we receive in our api routes with the `multipart/form-data content-type header. Read about the specifics in the formidable docs.

Create another file inside the lib folder and name it constants.js. Paste the following code inside lib/constants.js

// lib/constants.js



* @typedef  {Object}  Preset

* @property  {number}  widthOffset

* @property  {number}  heightOffset




* @typedef  {Object}  Filter

* @property  {string}  publicId

* @property  {string}  path

* @property  {string}  landmark

* @property  {Preset}  presets




* Cloudinary folder where images will be uploaded to


export  const  CLOUDINARY_FOLDER_NAME  =  "face-landmark-filters/";



* Cloudinary folder where filters will be uploaded to


export  const  FILTERS_FOLDER_NAME  =  "filters/";



* Facial landmarks


export  const  LANDMARKS  =  {

LEFT_EYE:  "left_eye",

RIGHT_EYE:  "right_eye",

NOSE:  "nose",

MOUTH:  "mouth",




* Filters that we can apply to the image

* @type  {Filter[]}


export  const  FILTERS  =  [


publicId:  "snapchat_nose",

path:  "public/images/snapchat_nose.png",

landmark:  LANDMARKS.NOSE,

presets:  {

widthOffset:  50,

heightOffset:  50,




publicId:  "clown_nose",

path:  "public/images/clown_nose.png",

landmark:  LANDMARKS.NOSE,

presets:  {

widthOffset:  30,

heightOffset:  30,




publicId:  "snapchat_tongue",

path:  "public/images/tongue.png",


presets:  {

widthOffset:  20,

heightOffset:  50,




Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

These are just a few variables that we’ll be using in our project. In the FILTERS array, we have all the filters that we’re going to be able to use. We define a public id for each filter, its path in the file system, the facial landmark over which we can apply the filter and a few presets that we’ll use when applying the filter. Let me explain a bit more about the presets. So say for example we have a nose filter that is a bit small or large in pixel size. We need to make it a bit smaller or bigger so that it covers the person’s nose perfectly so we define a width and height offset that we can use. To make it smaller you can use a negative value and make it bigger we use a positive value.

With that said, if you want to have more filters just store the filter images inside of the public/images folder then add them to the FILTERS array. Make sure the publicId is unique for every filter.

Create a new file under the lib folder and name it cloudinary.js. Paste the following inside.

// lib/cloudinary.js


// Import the v2 api and rename it to cloudinary

import  {  v2  as  cloudinary,  TransformationOptions  }  from  "cloudinary";

import  {  CLOUDINARY_FOLDER_NAME  }  from  "./constants";


// Initialize the SDK with cloud_name, api_key, and api_secret


cloud_name:  process.env.CLOUD_NAME,

api_key:  process.env.API_KEY,

api_secret:  process.env.API_SECRET,




* Get cloudinary uploads

* @param  {string}  folder Folder name

* @returns  {Promise}


export  const  handleGetCloudinaryUploads  =  (folder  =  CLOUDINARY_FOLDER_NAME)  =>  {

return  cloudinary.api.resources({

type:  "upload",

prefix:  folder,

resource_type:  "image",





* @typedef  {Object}  Resource

* @property  {string | Buffer}  file

* @property  {string}  publicId

* @property  {boolean}  inFolder

* @property  {string}  folder

* @property  {TransformationOptions}  transformation





* Uploads an image to cloudinary and returns the upload result


* @param  {Resource}  resource


export  const  handleCloudinaryUpload  =  ({





inFolder  =  false,

})  =>  {

return  cloudinary.uploader.upload(file,  {

// Folder to store the image in

folder:  inFolder  ?  folder  :  null,

// Public id of image.

public_id:  publicId,

// Type of resource

resource_type:  "auto",

// Transformation to apply to the video






* Deletes resources from cloudinary. Takes in an array of public ids

* @param  {string[]}  ids


export  const  handleCloudinaryDelete  =  (ids)  =>  {

return  cloudinary.api.delete_resources(ids,  {

resource_type:  "image",




Code language: PHP (php)

This file contains all the functions we need to communicate with cloudinary. At the top, we import the v2 API from the SDK and rename it to cloudinary for readability purposes. We also import the CLOUDINARY_FOLDER_NAME variable from the lib/constants.js file that we created earlier. We then proceed to initialize the SDK by calling the config method on the api and passing to it the cloud name, api key, and api secret. Remember we defined these as environment variables in our .env.local file earlier. The handleGetCloudinaryUploads function calls the api.resources method on the api to get all resources that have been uploaded to a specific folder. Read about this in the cloudinary admin api docs. handleCloudinaryUpload calls the uploader.upload method to upload a file to cloudinary. It takes in a resource object which contains the file we want to upload, an optional publicId, transformation object, whether or not to place the file inside a folder, and a folder name. Read more about the upload method in the cloudinary upload docs. handleCloudinaryDelete passes an array of public IDs to the api.delete_resources method for deletion. Read all about this method in the cloudinary admin api docs

Create a new file under the lib folder and name it face-api.js. Paste the following inside lib/face-api.js.

// lib/face-api.js

import  "@tensorflow/tfjs-node";

import  {  Canvas,  Image,  ImageData,  loadImage  }  from  "canvas";

import  {  env,  nets,  detectAllFaces,  Point  }  from  "@vladmandic/face-api";

env.monkeyPatch({  Canvas,  Image,  ImageData  });


let  modelsLoaded  =  false;


const  loadModels  =  async  ()  =>  {

if  (modelsLoaded)  {




await  nets.ssdMobilenetv1.loadFromDisk("public/models");

await  nets.faceLandmark68Net.loadFromDisk("public/models");

modelsLoaded  =  true;




* Detect all faces in an image and their landmarks

* @param  {string}  imagePath


export  const  detectFaceLandmarks  =  async  (imagePath)  =>  {

await  loadModels();


const  image  =  await  loadImage(imagePath);


const  faces  =  await  detectAllFaces(image).withFaceLandmarks();


return  faces;




* Gets the approximate center of the landmark

* @param  {Point[]}  landmark


export  const  getCenterOfLandmark  =  (landmark)  =>  {

const  coordinates  =  =>  [xy.x,  xy.y]);


const  x  =  =>  xy[0]);

const  y  =  =>  xy[1]);


const  centerX  =  (Math.min(...x)  +  Math.max(...x))  /  2;

const  centerY  =  (Math.min(...y)  +  Math.max(...y))  /  2;


return  { x:  centerX, y:  centerY  };




* Get the approximate height and width of the landmark.

* @param  {Point[]}  landmark

* @returns


export  const  getHeightWidthOfLandmark  =  (landmark)  =>  {

const  minX  =  Math.min(  =>  xy.x));

const  maxX  =  Math.max(  =>  xy.x));


const  minY  =  Math.min(  =>  xy.y));

const  maxY  =  Math.max(  =>  xy.y));


return  {

width:  maxX  -  minX,

height:  maxY  -  minY,




Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This file contains all the code we need to detect faces and their landmarks. At the top we first patch the node environment so that our face-api library can be able to use the HTMLImageElement and the HTMLCanvasElement. We then have a loadModels function which loads our pretrained models. To avoid having to load our models every time we make an API call, we have a modelsLoaded variable that we check to see if we have already loaded the models into memory. For a normal node project, you can just load your models once when you start up your application, but since we’re using Next.js and severless functions for the backend, we want to check that everytime. Read more about loading models here detectFaceLandmarks takes in an image path, loads the ML models and then creates an Image object using the loadImage function from the canvas package and then detects all faces with landmarks and return the faces. Read more about detecting faces and landmarks here.

getCenterOfLandmark takes in an array of x and y coordinates then uses some simple mathematics to estimate the center of the points. Let’s use an eye as an example.

2 3

1 7 4

5 6

Let’s imagine that the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 above represent the outline for an eye. We want to get the center which is represented by the number 7.

getHeightWidthOfLandmark get the approximate height and width of a landmark. It also takes in an array of x and y coordinates. Using the same example of an eye as before.

2 3

1 7 4

5 6

To get the approximate width, we take the smallest x coordinate which is represented by the number 1, and the largest which is represented by the number 4 then get the difference. Do the same with the height.

Let’s move on to our API routes. Create a folder called filters inside pages/api. Create a new file called index.js under pages/api/filters. This file will handle calls to the /api/filters endpoint. If you are not familiar with API routes in Next.js, I highly recommend you read the docs before proceeding. Paste the following code inside pages/api/filters/index.js.

// pages/api/filters/index.js


import  {  NextApiHandler,  NextApiRequest,  NextApiResponse  }  from  "next";

import  {



}  from  "../../../lib/cloudinary";

import  {




}  from  "../../../lib/constants";



* @type  {NextApiHandler}

* @param  {NextApiRequest}  req

* @param  {NextApiResponse}  res


export  default  async  function  handler(req,  res)  {

const  {  method  }  =  req;


switch  (method)  {

case  "GET":  {

try  {

const  result  =  await  handleGetRequest();


return  res.status(200).json({ message:  "Success",  result  });

}  catch  (error)  {

return  res.status(400).json({ message:  "Error",  error  });




default:  {

return  res.status(405).json({ message:  "Method not allowed"  });





const  handleGetRequest  =  async  ()  =>  {

const  filters  =  [];


const  existingFilters  =  await  handleGetCloudinaryUploads(






const  nonExistingFilters  =  FILTERS.filter((filter)  =>  {

const  existingFilter  =  existingFilters.resources.find((resource)  =>  {

return  (

resource.public_id  ===





return  existingFilter  ===  undefined;



for  (const  filter  of  nonExistingFilters)  {

const  uploadResult  =  await  handleCloudinaryUpload({

file:  filter.path,

publicId:  filter.publicId,

inFolder:  true,







return  filters;


Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

I am assuming that you’re now already familiar with the structure of a Next.js API route. It’s usually a default export function that takes in the incoming request object and the outgoing response object. In our handler function, we use a switch statement to differentiate among the different HTTP request methods. On this endpoint, api/filters, we only want to handle GET requests.

The handleGetReqeust function gets all filters that have been uploaded to cloudinary by calling the handleGetCloudinaryUploads and passing in a folder. In this case, our folder will resolve to face-landmark-filters/filters/. We then compare with the filters that we have defined in the FILTERS array that we defined earlier inside lib/constants.js. If the filter exists in the FILTER array but not on cloudinary we push it into an array and then upload all filters in the array to cloudinary. We then return all filters that have been uploaded to the face-landmark-filters/filters/ folder on cloudinary.

Create a folder called images inside pages/api. Create a new file called index.js under pages/api/images. This file will handle calls to the /api/images endpoint. Paste the following code inside pages/api/images/index.js.

// pages/api/images/index.js

import  {  NextApiHandler,  NextApiRequest,  NextApiResponse  }  from  "next";

import  {



}  from  "../../../lib/cloudinary";

import  {




}  from  "../../../lib/constants";

import  {




}  from  "../../../lib/face-api";

import  {  parseForm  }  from  "../../../lib/parse-form";


export  const  config  =  {

api:  {

bodyParser:  false,





* @type  {NextApiHandler}

* @param  {NextApiRequest}  req

* @param  {NextApiResponse}  res


export  default  async  function  handler(req,  res)  {

const  {  method  }  =  req;


switch  (method)  {

case  "GET":  {

try  {

const  result  =  await  handleGetRequest();


return  res.status(200).json({ message:  "Success",  result  });

}  catch  (error)  {


return  res.status(400).json({ message:  "Error",  error  });




case  "POST":  {

try  {

const  result  =  await  handlePostRequest(req);


return  res.status(201).json({ message:  "Success",  result  });

}  catch  (error)  {


return  res.status(400).json({ message:  "Error",  error  });




default:  {

return  res.status(405).json({ message:  "Method not allowed"  });





const  handleGetRequest  =  async  ()  =>  {

const  result  =  await  handleGetCloudinaryUploads();


result.resources  =  result.resources.filter(

(resource)  =>






return  result;





* @param  {NextApiRequest}  req


const  handlePostRequest  =  async  (req)  =>  {

// Get the form data using the parseForm function

const  data  =  await  parseForm(req);


const  photo  =;

const  {

nose:  noseFilter,

mouth:  mouthFilter,

left_eye:  leftEyeFilter,

right_eye:  rightEyeFilter,

}  =  data.fields;


const  faces  =  await  detectFaceLandmarks(photo.filepath);


const  transformations  =  [];


for  (const  face  of  faces)  {

const  {  landmarks  }  =  face;


if  (noseFilter)  {

const  nose  =  landmarks.getNose();


const  centerOfNose  =  getCenterOfLandmark(nose);

const  heightWidthOfNose  =  getHeightWidthOfLandmark(nose);


const  filter  =  FILTERS.find((filter)  =>  filter.publicId  ===  noseFilter);


if  (!filter)  {

throw  new  Error("Filter not found");










Math.round(heightWidthOfNose.width)  +  filter.presets?.widthOffset  ??



Math.round(heightWidthOfNose.height)  +  filter.presets?.heightOffset  ??


crop:  "fit",

gravity:  "xy_center",

x:  Math.round(centerOfNose.x),

y:  Math.round(centerOfNose.y),



if  (mouthFilter)  {

const  mouth  =  landmarks.getMouth();

const  centerOfMouth  =  getCenterOfLandmark(mouth);

const  heightWidthOfMouth  =  getHeightWidthOfLandmark(mouth);


const  filter  =  FILTERS.find((filter)  =>  filter.publicId  ===  mouthFilter);


if  (!filter)  {

throw  new  Error("Filter not found");










Math.round(heightWidthOfMouth.width)  +  filter.presets?.widthOffset  ??



Math.round(heightWidthOfMouth.height)  +

filter.presets?.heightOffset  ??  0,

crop:  "fit",

gravity:  "xy_center",

x:  Math.round(centerOfMouth.x),

y:  Math.round(centerOfMouth.y  +  heightWidthOfMouth.height),




if  (leftEyeFilter)  {

const  leftEye  =  landmarks.getLeftEye();


const  centerOfLeftEye  =  getCenterOfLandmark(leftEye);

const  heightWidthOfLeftEye  =  getHeightWidthOfLandmark(leftEye);


const  filter  =  FILTERS.find(

(filter)  =>  filter.publicId  ===  leftEyeFilter



if  (!filter)  {

throw  new  Error("Filter not found");










Math.round(heightWidthOfLeftEye.width)  +

filter.presets?.widthOffset  ??  0,


Math.round(heightWidthOfLeftEye.height)  +

filter.presets?.heightOffset  ??  0,

crop:  "fit",

gravity:  "xy_center",

x:  Math.round(centerOfLeftEye.x),

y:  Math.round(centerOfLeftEye.y),




if  (rightEyeFilter)  {

const  rightEye  =  landmarks.getRightEye();


const  centerOfRightEye  =  getCenterOfLandmark(rightEye);

const  heightWidthOfRightEye  =  getHeightWidthOfLandmark(rightEye);


const  filter  =  FILTERS.find(

(filter)  =>  filter.publicId  ===  rightEyeFilter



if  (!filter)  {

throw  new  Error("Filter not found");










Math.round(heightWidthOfRightEye.width)  +

filter.presets?.widthOffset  ??  0,


Math.round(heightWidthOfRightEye.height)  +

filter.presets?.heightOffset  ??  0,

crop:  "fit",

gravity:  "xy_center",

x:  Math.round(centerOfRightEye.x),

y:  Math.round(centerOfRightEye.y),





const  uploadResult  =  await  handleCloudinaryUpload({

file:  photo.filepath,

transformation:  transformations,

inFolder:  true,



return  uploadResult;


Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This endpoint is just slightly different from the api/filters endpoint. In this one, we export a config object at the top in addition to the default export function that handles the requests. The config object instructs Next.js not to use the default built-in body-parser. This is because we’re expecting form data and we want to parse this ourselves using formidable. Read more about custom config for api routes in the documentation.

This time around we want to handle GET and POST requests. handleGetRequest gets all images uploaded to the face-landmark-filters/ folder. We also want to filter out any images inside the face-landmark-filters/filters/ folder because those are just our filter images.

handlePostRequest takes in the incoming request object and passes it to the parseForm function that we created earlier. This parses the incoming form data. From the data, we get the photo that has been uploaded

// ...

const  photo  =;

// ...

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

as well as which filters to use for the nose, mouth, and eyes.

// ...

const  {

nose:  noseFilter,

mouth:  mouthFilter,

left_eye:  leftEyeFilter,

right_eye:  rightEyeFilter,

}  =  data.fields;

// ...

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

We then call the detectFaceLandmarks function and pass the uploaded photo to get all faces and landmarks.

// ...

const  faces  =  await  detectFaceLandmarks(photo.filepath);

// ...

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

For every detected face, we get the landmarks using javascript object destructuring,

// ...

for  (const  face  of  faces)  {

const  {  landmarks  }  =  face;

// ...

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

then we check the parsed form data to see if the user selected a filter to apply for either the nose, mouth, or eyes. If there’s a filter for one of those landmarks we get the landmark coordinates, the center of the landmark, the height, and width of the landmark, and also check if the filter exists in our FILTERS array. Using the nose as an example

// ...

if  (noseFilter)  {

const  nose  =  landmarks.getNose();


const  centerOfNose  =  getCenterOfLandmark(nose);

const  heightWidthOfNose  =  getHeightWidthOfLandmark(nose);


const  filter  =  FILTERS.find((filter)  =>  filter.publicId  ===  noseFilter);

// ...

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

For every filter that we need to apply, we push a transformation object to the transformations array. Read about transformations in-depth in the cloudinary image transformations docs. To apply an overlay transformation, we need to pass the following transformation object

// This is just an example using sample values


overlay:  'resource public id',

width:  100,

height:  100,

crop:  'crop style',  // which crop style to use if you need to crop

gravity:  'gravity',  // where to position the overlay relative to

x:  100,  // x coordinates relative to the gravity

y:  100,  // y coordinates relative to the gravity


Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In our case, for the overlay, we’re using the filter’s folder + its publicId value. This is why I mentioned earlier to make sure that publicId is unique when adding filters to the FILTERS array. For the width and height, we use the landmark’s approximate height and width + their offset presets. For the crop value, we use fit. Read about all possible values here. For gravity, we use xy_center which is a special position. This places our overlay’s center at our x and y values. Read about this here. For our x and y, we just use the center of the landmark.

For a bit more context, check out this documentation on placing layers on images.

Once we have our transformations ready, we upload the photo to cloudinary using the handleCloudinaryUpload function and pass the transformations to the transformation field.

Next thing, create a file called [].js under the pages/api/images folder. This file will handle api requests made to the /api/images/:id endpoint. Paste the following code inside.

// pages/api/images

import  {  NextApiRequest,  NextApiResponse,  NextApiHandler  }  from  "next";

import  {  handleCloudinaryDelete  }  from  "../../../lib/cloudinary";



* @type  {NextApiHandler}

* @param  {NextApiRequest}  req

* @param  {NextApiResponse}  res


export  default  async  function  handler(req,  res)  {

let  {  id  }  =  req.query;


if  (!id)  {

res.status(400).json({ error:  "Missing id"  });




if  (Array.isArray(id))  {

id  =  id.join("/");



switch  (req.method)  {

case  "DELETE":  {

try  {

const  result  =  await  handleDeleteRequest(id);


return  res.status(200).json({ message:  "Success",  result  });

}  catch  (error)  {


return  res.status(400).json({ message:  "Error",  error  });




default:  {

return  res.status(405).json({ message:  "Method not allowed"  });





const  handleDeleteRequest  =  async  (id)  =>  {

const  result  =  await  handleCloudinaryDelete([id]);


return  result;



Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This endpoint only accepts DELETE requests. handleDeleteRequest passes an images public id to handleCloudinaryDelete and deletes the image from cloudinary. The destructured array syntax for the file name is used to match all routes that come after a dynamic route. For example to handle routes such as /api/images/:id/:anotherId/ or /api/images/:id/someAction/ instead of just /api/images/:id/. Read this documentation to get a much better explanation.

We can finally move on to the front end. This is just some basic React.js and I won’t be focusing too much on explaining what each bit does.

Add the following code inside styles/globals.css


a:hover  {

text-decoration:  underline;



:root  {

--color-primary:  #ffee00;



.button  {

background-color:  var(--color-primary);

border-radius:  5px;

border:  none;

color:  #000000;

text-transform:  uppercase;

padding:  1rem;

font-size:  1rem;

font-weight:  700;

cursor:  pointer;

transition:  all  0.2s;

min-width:  50px;



.danger  {

color:  #ffffff;

background-color:  #cc0000;



.button:hover:not([disabled])  {

filter:  brightness(96%);

box-shadow:  0px  2px  4px  rgba(0,  0,  0,  0.2);



.button:disabled  {

opacity:  0.5;

cursor:  not-allowed;



Code language: CSS (css)

These are some global styles that we’re going to be using in our components.

Create a folder called components at the root of your project and then create a file called Layout.js inside it. Paste the following code inside components/Layout.js

import  Head  from  "next/head";

import  Link  from  "next/link";


export  default  function  Layout({  children  })  {

return  (



<title>Face Landmarks Filters</title>

<meta name="description"  content="Face Landmarks Filters"  />

<link rel="icon"  href="/favicon.ico"  />




<Link  href="/">



<Link  href="/images">






<style jsx>{`

nav {

height: 100px;

background-color: var(--color-primary);

display: flex;

flex-flow: row wrap;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

gap: 10px;



nav a {

font-weight: bold;

letter-spacing: 1px;



main {

min-height: calc(100vh- 100px);

background-color: #f4f4f4;







Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

We’re going to use this to wrap all of our components. This achieves some structural consistency and also avoids code duplication.

Paste the following code inside pages/index.js.

import  {  useCallback,  useEffect,  useState  }  from  "react";

import  Layout  from  "../components/Layout";

import  Image  from  "next/image";

import  {  useRouter  }  from  "next/router";

import  {




}  from  "../lib/constants";


export  default  function  Home()  {

const  router  =  useRouter();


const  [filters,  setFilters]  =  useState(null);



* @type  {[File, (file:File)=>void]}


const  [image,  setImage]  =  useState(null);



* @type  {[boolean, (uploading:boolean)=>void]}


const  [loading,  setLoading]  =  useState(false);



* @type  {[boolean, (uploading:boolean)=>void]}


const  [uploadInProgress,  setUploadInProgress]  =  useState(false);


const  getFilters  =  useCallback(async  ()  =>  {

try  {


const  response  =  await  fetch("/api/filters",  {

method:  "GET",



const  data  =  await  response.json();


if  (!response.ok)  {

throw  data;



setFilters(  =>  {

const  resource  =  data.result.find((result)  =>  {

return  (

result.public_id  ===





return  {




}).filter((filter)  =>  filter.resource)


}  catch  (error)  {


}  finally  {



},  []);


useEffect(()  =>  {


},  [getFilters]);


const  handleFormSubmit  =  async  (event)  =>  {



try  {



const  formData  =  new  FormData(;


const  response  =  await  fetch("/api/images",  {

method:  "POST",

body:  formData,



const  data  =  await  response.json();


if  (!response.ok)  {

throw  data;




}  catch  (error)  {


}  finally  {





return  (


<div className="wrapper">

<form onSubmit={handleFormSubmit}>

{loading  ?  (

<small>getting filters...</small>

)  :  (

<small>Ready. {filters?.length} filters available</small>



{filters  &&  (

<div className="filters">

{  =>  (

<div key={filter.resource.public_id}  className="filter">

<label htmlFor={filter.publicId}>



















{image  &&  (

<div className="preview">



alt="Image preview"





<div className="form-group file">

<label htmlFor="photo">Click to select photo</label>









onInput={(event)  =>  {









disabled={!image  ||  uploadInProgress  ||  !filters}






<style jsx>{`

div.wrapper {

height: 100vh;

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;



div.wrapper form {

width: 60%;

max-width: 600px;

min-width: 300px;

padding: 20px;

border-radius: 5px;

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;

justify-content: start;

align-items: center;

gap: 20px;

background-color: #ffffff;



div.wrapper form div.preview {

position: relative;

height: 200px;

width: 100%;

object-fit: cover;



div.wrapper form div.filters {

width: 100%;

height: 200px;

display: flex;

flex-flow: row wrap;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

gap: 5px;



div.wrapper form div.filters div.filter {

flex: 0 0 50px;

display: flex;

flex-flow: row-reverse nowrap;

padding: 10px;

border: 1px solid #cccccc;

border-radius: 5px;



div.wrapper form div.filters div.filter label {

position: relative;

width: 100px;

height: 100px;



div.wrapper form div.form-group {

width: 100%;

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;

justify-content: center;

align-items: flec-start;



div.wrapper form div.form-group.file {

background-color: #f1f1f1;

height: 150px;

border-radius: 5px;

cursor: pointer;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;



div.wrapper form div.form-group label {

font-weight: bold;

height: 100%;

width: 100%;

cursor: pointer;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;



div.wrapper form div.form-group.file input {

height: 100%;

width: 100%;

cursor: pointer;



div.wrapper form button {

width: 100%;







Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Notice the use of a number of React hooks. Read about the useState hook here and the useCallback and useEffect hooks here. The docs have covered their uses pretty well and it’s easy to understand. We use the useEffect hook to call the memoized function getFilters. getFilters makes a GET request to the api/filters endpoint to get all filters available. In the body of our component, we have a form where the user can select what filters to apply and also select a photo for upload. We use a radio button group to ensure the user doesn’t select more than one filter for the same facial landmark. When the form is submitted, the handleFormSubmit function is triggered. This function makes a POST request to the api/images endpoint with the form data as the body. On success, we navigate to the /images page that we’ll be creating next. Read about useRouter here.

Create a new file under pages/ called images.js. Paste the following inside pages/images.js.

import  {  useCallback,  useEffect,  useState  }  from  "react";

import  Layout  from  "../components/Layout";

import  Link  from  "next/link";

import  Image  from  "next/image";


export  default  function  Images()  {

const  [images,  setImages]  =  useState([]);


const  [loading,  setLoading]  =  useState(false);


const  getImages  =  useCallback(async  ()  =>  {

try  {



const  response  =  await  fetch("/api/images",  {

method:  "GET",



const  data  =  await  response.json();


if  (!response.ok)  {

throw  data;




}  catch  (error)  {


}  finally  {



},  []);


useEffect(()  =>  {


},  [getImages]);


const  handleDownloadResource  =  async  (url)  =>  {

try  {



const  response  =  await  fetch(url,  {});


if  (response.ok)  {

const  blob  =  await  response.blob();


const  fileUrl  =  URL.createObjectURL(blob);


const  a  =  document.createElement("a");

a.href  =  fileUrl;  =  `face-landmark-filters.${url.split(".").at(-1)}`;






throw  await  response.json();

}  catch  (error)  {

// TODO: Show error message to the user


}  finally  {





const  handleDelete  =  async  (id)  =>  {

try  {



const  response  =  await  fetch(`/api/images/${id}`,  {

method:  "DELETE",



const  data  =  await  response.json();


if  (!response.ok)  {

throw  data;




}  catch  (error)  {

}  finally  {





return  (


{images.length  >  0  ?  (

<div className="wrapper">

<div className="images-wrapper">

{  =>  {

return  (

<div className="image-wrapper"  key={image.public_id}>

<div className="image">









<div className="actions">




onClick={()  =>  {







className="button danger"


onClick={()  =>  {












)  :  null}

{!loading  &&  images.length  ===  0  ?  (

<div className="no-images">

<b>No Images Yet</b>

<Link  href="/">

<a className="button">Upload some images</a>



)  :  null}

{loading  &&  images.length  ===  0  ?  (

<div className="loading">



)  :  null}

<style jsx>{`

div.wrapper {

min-height: 100vh;

background-color: #f4f4f4;



div.wrapper div.images-wrapper {

display: flex;

flex-flow: row wrap;

gap: 10px;

padding: 10px;



div.wrapper div.images-wrapper div.image-wrapper {

flex: 0 0 400px;

display: flex;

flex-flow: column;



div.wrapper div.images-wrapper div.image-wrapper div.image {

background-color: #ffffff;

position: relative;

width: 100%;



div.wrapper div.images-wrapper div.image-wrapper div.actions {

background-color: #ffffff;

padding: 10px;

display: flex;

flex-flow: row wrap;

gap: 10px;



div.loading, {

height: 100vh;

display: flex;

align-items: center;

justify-content: center;

flex-flow: column;

gap: 10px;






Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This is a simple page. We call the getImages function when the component is mounted. getImages then makes a GET request to the /api/images endpoint to get all uploaded images(These will be the images that already have a filter applied to them). For the body, we just show the images in a flexbox container. Each image has a download and delete button.

That’s about it. I may have rushed over the UI part, however, the React.js and Next.js docs explain most of those things extremely well. You can always look anything up you might have issues with there.

The last thing we need to do is configure our Next.js project to be able to display images from cloudinary. Next.js does a lot of things under the hood to optimize the performance of your applications. One of these things is optimizing images when using the Image component from Next.js. We need to add Cloudinary’s domain to our config file. Read more about this here. Add the following to next.config.js. If you don’t find the file at the root of your project you can create it yourself.

module.exports  =  {

// ...

images:  {

domains:  [""],



Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Our application is now ready to run.

npm run dev

You can find the full source code on my Github. Remember, this is a simple implementation for demonstration purposes. You can always optimize a few things for use in the real world.

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