Technology Partner

Netlify Create

Stackbit is a visual site builder for modern websites, made for efficient collaboration between developers and content editors.

Netlify Create + Cloudinary

The Cloudinary-Stackbit integration enables content editors to easily insert image assets from Cloudinary into any image field in the content they work on. Based on Cloudinary’s Media Library Widget, editors can also upload, edit or transform assets all from within Stackbit’s user interface.

The integration is compatible with all content sources that Stackbit support, including headless CMS platforms (e.g. Contentful and Sanity), and plain files. Once you install the Cloudinary integration for your CMS of choice and configure any fields in the CMS as Cloudinary-based image assets, Stackbit will automatically use Cloudinary’s widget for editing these fields.

A major capability of Stackbit is the ability for developers to create tailored components for content editors, meaning you can bring over any of Cloudinary’s powerful transformations right into your content editors’ hands, exactly the way you want it. For example, letting marketers configure the crop mode or filters for an image, right inside the Stackbit editor, with immediate feedback and a simplified interface.


As organizations move away from legacy monolithic CMS’s into websites based on a modern stack (e.g. React, Next.js), content editors and marketing departments face a major problem:

They are now dependent on developers for almost any change they want to make – or have to use cumbersome backend interfaces to do so. Developers, on their end, are stuck making these small chores. Yet, no one wants to go back to proprietary “”walled garden”” platforms.

Stackbit gets developers and content editors unstuck: it provides a visual editing platform for modern websites. It lets your developers work with the open tools they like, while content is edited visually – over your design system and your components.

A big differentiator of Stackbit’s approach is its un-obtrusiveness: developers don’t have to rebuild the site’s code around our product or our modules. You can take your site anywhere.

Stackbit natively integrates with headless CMS’s such as Contentful and Sanity, or you can bring over from simple files or other data sources.

Stackbit in Action with Cloudinary + your favorite CMS

Learn how content editors see and tweak their content in real-time before publishing with Stackbit.


Using Cloudinary with Stackbit

Read the Documentation ->

Stackbit with Cloudinary + Contentful demo

See Demo ->

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