JPG to WEBP Converter

Convert JPG to WEBP online with a free JPG to WEBP converter. Drop your JPG images below to convert them to WEBP in seconds

Or drag your images here

Looking to programmatically convert JPG to WEBP?

Sign up for our free API and convert all your web images to WEBP


Free JPG to WEBP Converter

Easily convert JPG to WEBP online instantly and effortlessly. No installation or plugins required. Simply drop your JPG image into our converter, and receive your WEBP file in seconds with no loss in quality.


Why choose our JPG to WEBP converter?

You can convert JPG to WEBP on the fly, securely, ad-free and inside your browser.
Developers can get an API to automatically convert their JPG images to WEBP!

Domain Specific AI

AI-powered Transformations

More than turning your JPG to WEBP. Generative Fill, Generative Object Removal and Generative Replace are just a few examples of how AI can enhance and customize images, providing flexibility in content creation.

Domain Specific AI

Image Enhancement

Whether it’s 3D animations, interactive product displays or real time filtering, Cloudinary’s API covers a wide spectrum of image enhancement features. Developers can easily make older images look amazing again!

Domain Specific AI

Performance Optimization

Automatic optimization ensures that images are delivered in the best quality and format based on the user’s device, browser or connection. WEBP or JPG? Automatically apply the most efficient format!

Domain Specific AI

Batch convert JPG to WEBP

Use the converter to batch convert JPG to WEBP or sign up for the free API to automatically convert all your JPG images to WEBP!

Domain Specific AI

Workflow Automation

Create automated workflows on preset configurations. Save time and ensure that files are transformed and ready to deliver automatically after upload.

Domain Specific AI

Image Formats Versatility

Go beyond JPG and WEBP. Support for cutting edge formats like AVIF, JPEG-XL and HEIC ensure that visual assets are delivered in formats that offer the best combination of quality and efficiency.

How to convert JPG to WEBP

Use JPG to WEBP converter in 3 simple steps, or sign up for Cloudinary to programmatically turn thousands of your web images!

1. Add your JPG images

Upload or drag and drop your JPG images into the browser

2. Start Conversion

Select WEBP as your desired output format to begin the conversion

3. Download WEBP images

Once the conversion is complete, download your converted WEBP images

Or sign up for an API


Explore Beyond JPG to WEBP Conversion

A woman and a golden retriever in the mountains. They're sitting, facing away from the camera while the dog noses the woman. They're surrounded by natural splendor including majestic mountains, puffy clouds, and evergreen-studded hills.
An un-cropped image overlaid with a cropping window showing how it would be cropped by Cloudinary.
An arrow pointing from the original asset to the cropped asset
A woman and a golden retriever in the mountains. They're sitting, facing away from the camera while the dog noses the woman. They're surrounded by natural splendor including majestic mountains, puffy clouds, and evergreen-studded hills.
The same asset cropped using the following settings: Aspect Ratio: 1:2. Crop Mode: Content-Aware.
Crop Mode
Aspect Ratio
18 MB

We’re showing a resized version of the original asset to avoid slow loading speeds. View the original.

The original asset:
135 KB
135 KB
90 KB
94 KB
The image after being optimized using the following settings: Quality: Auto. Width: 1000px.
18 MB

We’re showing a resized version of the original asset to avoid slow loading speeds. View the original.

The original asset:
135 KB
135 KB
90 KB
94 KB
The image after being optimized using the following settings: Quality: Auto. Width: 1000px.
An un-cropped image overlaid with a croppingai window showing how it would be cropped by Cloudinary.
An arrow pointing from the original asset to the cropped asset
The same asset cropped using the following settings: Aspect Ratio: 1:1. Crop Mode: Content-Aware.
Crop Mode
Aspect Ratio
The original image:
An arrow pointing from the original asset to the transformed asset.
The personalized image:
The original image:
The personalized image:
Product Photos
Full length video: Surfing Trip
An arrow pointing from the original video to the AI-generated preview.
A shorter video preview generated by Cloudinary's AI using the following settings: Duration: 15 seconds. Max Clips: 9. Min Clip Length: 1 second.
Max Clips
Min Clip Length

Frequently Asked Questions

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JPEG, or JPG, stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group and is a widely used format for digital images, particularly those produced by digital photography. This format employs lossy compression, which means that some image quality is sacrificed to reduce file size. The compression level in JPG files is adjustable, allowing users to find a balance between image quality and storage requirements. Typically, JPG files achieve a 10:1 compression ratio with minimal loss of quality, making them ideal for web use where fast loading times are essential.

The JPG format supports 24-bit color, enabling it to display millions of colors, which is particularly useful for photographs and complex images. Its ability to compress images significantly without a noticeable loss in quality has made JPG the go-to format for digital cameras, websites, and social media platforms. However, this format is less suitable for images with text, large blocks of color, or simple graphics, as it can introduce compression artifacts. Despite this limitation, JPG’s universal compatibility across all platforms and devices ensures its continued popularity and utility in a wide range of applications.

WEBP is a modern image format developed by Google that provides superior compression and quality compared to older formats like JPEG and PNG. It supports both lossy and lossless compression, allowing for versatile use cases where either reduced file size or high image quality is prioritized. WEBP files are typically smaller than their JPEG or PNG counterparts, which makes them ideal for use on the web, where faster loading times and reduced bandwidth usage are important considerations.

One of the standout features of WEBP is its ability to support transparency, like PNG, but with better compression efficiency. This makes it a preferred choice for web developers looking to optimize images without sacrificing visual quality. Additionally, WEBP supports animation, similar to GIF, but with better compression, making it a versatile format for various types of visual content on the internet. Its growing support across modern browsers and software tools underscores its increasing adoption and relevance in web development and digital media.

  1. Select JPG Images. Gather all the JPG images you wish to convert. Upload or drag and drop them into a batch conversion tool or software that supports JPG to WEBP conversion, like Cloudinary. 
  2. Choose WEBP as Output Format
    In the conversion tool, select WEBP as the desired output format for your images.
  3. Start the Conversion
    Begin the batch conversion process. The tool will convert all selected JPG images to WEBP format.
  4. Download Converted Images
    Once the conversion is complete, download the batch of converted WEBP images to your device.

If you want to streamline the process, you can sign up for Cloudinary API and automatically perform the conversions, and turn any format into WEBP!

Converting JPG to WebP is primarily advantageous due to WebP’s superior compression efficiency. WebP, developed by Google, utilizes both lossy and lossless compression methods to reduce the file size significantly more than JPG while maintaining comparable image quality. This efficiency can result in faster website load times, which enhances user experience and can positively impact SEO rankings. For websites with numerous images, reducing the overall data transfer can save bandwidth costs and decrease server load, making WebP a more economical choice.

WebP supports advanced features that JPG does not, such as transparency (alpha channel) and animation. This makes WebP a more versatile format for web use, where transparent backgrounds and animated elements are common. The alpha transparency in WebP is achieved without a significant increase in file size, unlike the PNG format, which is often used for transparent images but can be substantially larger. This ability to provide high-quality transparent images at lower file sizes makes WebP a preferred format for web designers and developers seeking to optimize both the appearance and performance of their websites.

Moreover, the adoption of WebP can contribute to more sustainable web practices. Smaller image files mean less data to transfer, which in turn reduces the energy consumption of data centers and network infrastructure. This can lead to a lower carbon footprint for websites, aligning with broader environmental goals. Additionally, many modern browsers and image tools now support WebP, ensuring compatibility and ease of use. By converting JPG to WebP, businesses and individuals not only benefit from improved performance and versatility but also contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly internet.