Convert WEBP to GIF online with a free WEBP to GIF converter. Drop your WEBP images below to convert them to GIFs in seconds
Convert WEBP to GIF online with a free WEBP to GIF converter. Drop your WEBP images below to convert them to GIFs in seconds
Or drag your images here
Sign up for our free API and convert all your web images to GIF
Easily convert WEBP to GIF online instantly and effortlessly. No installation or plugins required. Simply drop your WEBP image into our converter, and receive your GIF file in seconds with no loss in quality.
You can convert WEBP to GIF on the fly, securely, ad-free and inside your browser.
Developers can get an API to automatically convert their WEBP images to GIF!
More than turning your WEBP to GIF. Generative Fill, Generative Object Removal and Generative Replace are just a few examples of how AI can enhance and customize images, providing flexibility in content creation.
Whether it’s 3D animations, interactive product displays or real time filtering, Cloudinary’s API gives you a lot of image enhancement features. Developers can easily make older images look great again!
Automatic optimization guarantees that images are delivered in the highest quality and most suitable format for the user’s device, browser, or connection. Whether it’s GIF or WEBP, the most efficient format is automatically selected for optimal performance.
Use our converter to batch convert WEBP images to GIF easily, or sign up for our free API to automatically convert all your WEBP images to GIF!
Create automated workflows with preset configurations to save time and ensure that files are automatically transformed and ready for delivery right after upload.
Go beyond WEBP and GIF with support for cutting-edge formats like AVIF and JPEG-XL. These advanced formats ensure that your visual assets are delivered with the best combination of quality and efficiency.
Use WEBP to GIF converter in 3 simple steps, or sign up for Cloudinary to programmatically turn thousands of your web images!
Upload or drag and drop your WEBP images into the browser
Select GIF as your desired output format to begin the conversion
Once the conversion is complete, download your converted GIF images
We’re showing a resized version of the original asset to avoid slow loading speeds. View the original.
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WEBP is a modern image format developed by Google, designed to enhance the web experience through superior compression and quality. It supports both lossy and lossless compression, making it versatile for various types of images. WEBP files are typically much smaller than their JPEG or PNG equivalents, which contributes to faster webpage loading times and reduced bandwidth usage.
A standout feature of WEBP is its support for transparency, similar to PNG, but with better compression efficiency. WEBP also supports animations, offering higher quality and smaller file sizes compared to GIFs. This makes WEBP a preferred choice for web developers looking to optimize images without compromising on visual quality. The format’s increasing support across modern browsers and various software platforms underscores its growing adoption and relevance in the digital landscape.
GIF, which stands for Graphics Interchange Format, is a widely recognized image format known for its ability to display both static and animated images. Created by CompuServe in 1987, GIF uses lossless LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) compression, which reduces file size without losing image quality. This format is particularly effective for images with solid colors and simple graphics, though it is limited to a 256-color palette.
One of the defining features of GIFs is their support for animation, allowing multiple images to be combined into a single file and played in sequence to create motion. Additionally, GIFs support transparency, making them ideal for web graphics and overlays. Despite the limited color range, GIFs remain popular for their simplicity, ease of use, and compatibility across various platforms and devices, making them a staple for web graphics, memes, and short animations.
If you want to streamline the process, you can sign up for Cloudinary API and automatically perform the conversions, and turn any format into GIF!
WEBP and GIF are powerful formats for web optimization, but further enhancements can improve performance significantly. WEBP is excellent for both static and animated images, offering smaller file sizes without compromising quality. GIF, while popular for animations, often results in larger files; converting GIF to WEBP or AVIF can drastically reduce file sizes while retaining animation quality. To maximize the benefits of these formats, resize images to match display dimensions, apply compression techniques (lossy or lossless), and utilize responsive image techniques like the srcset
attribute to serve efficient image sizes for different devices.
You can turn GIF to WEBP, JPG to AVIF, PNG to WEBP, or PNG to AVIF easily, and your page will always be optimized!
You can use converters for various format changes, such as WEBP to PNG, GIF to PNG, AVIF to GIF, or HEIC to GIF. For additional needs, consider converting SVG to WEBP, TIFF to GIF, or PSD to WEBP to optimize images for diverse web applications efficiently. These tools make it simple to adapt images for modern standards while maintaining quality and performance.
Remember that you can also use Cloudinary to do this programmatically. Sign up for the API to automate format conversion and seamlessly optimize your images for the web.