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The Future of Software Development in 2024

Doing your day job, and staying on top of the latest tech trends can be more than a full-time gig. Just as hard to pull off is determining which trends are worth considering versus those that are just shooting stars.

To save you time, sleep, and money, we’ve compiled four 2024 tech innovations worth the hype. 

Read on for industry insights, compelling statistics, and dev tool recommendations for people with and without code expertise.

Low/no-code development programs don’t require coding to develop software. Examples include Squarespace, a no-code website-building platform, and Cloudinary’s MediaFlows, a low-code platform developers use to automate visual media-related workflows.

Developing software is challenging because it’s rife with issues regarding cost, complexity, and delays. No- and low-code can help mitigate these issues by being easier and faster to work with (for novices and experts alike). 

According to a 2021 survey by Statista, nearly 60% of organizations said that low-code increased revenue and helped replace legacy systems. 


Note on a new and exciting programming language: RUST is a coding language developed by Mozilla Research. It’s referred to as a “memory-safe language” (a term that means software developed with Rust doesn’t have issues/risks regarding memory-related bugs.)

Many companies continue shifting from strictly in-house policies to remote and hybrid styles. While some organizations are trying to push back on this, the COVID-19 pandemic revealed how productive it is for employees to work remotely, thanks to cloud technology.

According to data by Gartner, the global cloud market will reach $678.8 billion in 2024.


Generative AI studies the “raw data” it’s given and returns outputs and scenarios based on that data. Its popularity is thanks to how easily and quickly it creates relevant simulations that improve processes like visual media campaigns or training programs. According to research by Next Move Strategy Consulting, global AI is predicted to reach $2 trillion by 2030


  • Easier for businesses to produce high-quality software products, regardless of the size or expertise of their IT team.
  • Faster onboarding that helps new developers get up to speed more quickly.
  • Reduces software development timelines via faster prototyping, iterating, and tweaking.
  • Provides more scalability.

Self-healing technology detects and resolves software issues without human intervention. Self-healing tech uses machine learning (ML) models that teach programs how to recognize and respond to operational problems.

Gartner predicts automation and analytics will help IT teams shift 30% of their time from support desk tasks to DevOps by 2024.


  • Creates more bandwidth for teams to prioritize DevOps projects.
  • Improves service level agreements (SLAs) because a more intelligent infrastructure enables organizations to better align with client priorities and needs.
  • Lowers the strain on IT teams and their resources by eliminating the need to deal with minor bug fixes that self-healing software takes care of automatically.

No matter the tech trends that come and go, it’s how organizations leverage them that matters. Learn more about how Cloudinary helps you optimize development and performance today.

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