Asset Taxonomy

Asset taxonomy

An asset taxonomy is a hierarchical categorization of an organization’s assets. More specifically, it allows an organization to categorize its digital assets in groups with shared attributes, like how scientists assign animals to specific trees (which is where taxonomy comes from).

It allows you to organize your data into groups based on attributes such as industry and type, making it easier for your team members to find the information they need quickly. An asset taxonomy should be based on business needs, so if you’re looking for an effective way of organizing your company’s data, consider creating an asset taxonomy.

Why Is Digital Asset Taxonomy Important?

A taxonomy is an organized structure of terms that helps you find what you need. It will help you find the right assets for the job and determine if an asset is available.

A robust taxonomy ensures everyone understands how each term relates to its broader parent category. So, for example, you need images of instruments for a project. With proper asset taxonomy, you can search through your organization’s media to find pictures. Without it, you’ll have to manually search for the images you need, which can be almost impossible for larger companies.

Asset taxonomy

Why Should You Care about Asset Taxonomy in Your Company

Asset taxonomy is a tool that helps you find the right assets, people, and information. Let’s look at how an asset taxonomy can be used in your company:

  • Finding the right assets. When you know what you’re looking for, it’s much easier to find it! With an organized system of classifying your company’s assets, employees can quickly locate what they need without having to search through piles of files on their desktops or dig through endless folders in network folders.
  • Finding the right people who can use those assets effectively. An organized system also makes it easy for employees who don’t have access rights to certain items to request them from those who do have access rights (for example, if an employee needs help creating something new but doesn’t have permission from IT). This increases efficiency by ensuring everyone knows exactly where everything is located, so no time is wasted searching around aimlessly trying to figure out where things are stored.

Asset Taxonomy and Cloudinary

An asset taxonomy is a way to organize your company’s assets. It helps you find the correct information when you need it and saves time when creating new content or updating existing pages on your website. An asset taxonomy can be created in many different ways, but it should always have the same goal: ensuring everyone knows what an asset is before starting one.

With Cloudinary, many enterprise brands (especially those looking for a Scene7 alternative) can effortlessly migrate millions of assets along with the taxonomy and folder structure to Cloudinary, optimizing the assets and improving performance while saving costs.

What are you waiting for? Get started with Cloudinary with a free account and unlock your media’s true potential.

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Last updated: Nov 16, 2024