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Build an EasyFlow

Last updated: Oct-01-2024

EasyFlows provides a no-code, natural language interface for automating and scaling your most essential asset management workflows by setting triggers and corresponding actions. Leverage EasyFlows to streamline your media management, reduce manual processes and empower non-developers to take control of your brand assets.

EasyFlows offers seamless connectivity to your asset repository, and lets you create media management workflows with a step-by-step automation builder to implement standardized branding, asset expiration, auto tagging, and more. With EasyFlows, non-technical personas can take direct control over their media management, work faster and more efficiently by easily connecting and syncing to the tasks and processes they rely on every day.

EasyFlows consist of a set of trigger-actions that you connect together, enabling you to create step-by-step actions for execution. Each flow performs a specific function. By combining triggers with actions, you can develop a customized application to address your media use case effectively.


Select a trigger

The first step consists of selecting when the automation should run. Once you select a generalized trigger, you can then add one or more conditions to narrow down the specific criteria for when the trigger will activate. For example, if creating an automation that triggers when a file is uploaded, you can add a condition that it will only apply to assets that are videos. You can add multiple conditions by clicking on the + And icon to create another condition.

You can edit the default flow name by clicking the pen icon next to tit at the top-left.


Select actions

Once your trigger is set, click the plus (+) icon underneath the trigger block to add an action from the available options on the form that pops up. Depending on the action you select, you will need to further configure the action with the presented options. For example, if selecting to move the asset to another folder, you will be prompted to select which folder to move it to.

You can add multiple actions by clicking on the plus (+) icon underneath the action block.

Once you have finished adding actions, remember to click on the Save button at the top-right.


Use cases

Here are some example flows that might inspire you as to what you can configure for your workflows:

  • Restrict access control when the Visibility field in an asset's structured metadata is set to Private:

Access control

  • Move all images tagged with shirt to the Shirts folder:

Organizing assets

  • Check for assets that have reached their expiration date every day and move them to an expiration folder:

Managing asset expiration

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