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Seamlessly Integrate Cloudinary With Netlify For Optimised Website Assets

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Images play a crucial role in captivating user attention and enhancing websites. Netlify has established itself as a trusted web development platform used by over 3 million people worldwide, including large enterprises like Unilever and Nike. It understands the importance of efficient image management in modern web design, and with websites relying more on visuals than ever, the demand for streamlined image handling and optimization is soaring.

So, in this article, we will dive into the dynamic duo of Cloudinary and Netlify, harnessing the potential of web assets, especially images. Netlify image optimization is pivotal in boosting web performance, ensuring swift loading times, bandwidth efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and a sustainable online presence.

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Why You Need Image Optimization on Netlify

Image optimization is a process where you efficiently compress the size of the images without considerably affecting their visual quality. How does that help your website? Consider an image file size as a physical weightless weight that allows your website to move faster, yielding a smoother browsing experience for your users. This boosts site performance significantly on various dimensions like loading speed, SEO, and overall user experience.

However, Netlify recently dropped support for its inbuilt asset optimization. You may find your website’s performance slipping without those friendly, built-in optimizations. If you don’t act to replace this support with other image optimization practices, unoptimized images can create a few drag points for your website.

Here’s a list that spells out the potential impacts of unoptimized images:

  • Slow Page Loading. Heavier images take longer to load, leading to increased page load times.
  • SEO Impact. Search engines consider site speed as a ranking factor. Slower sites might not rank as well in search results.
  • Bad User Experience. Slow loading times can frustrate visitors, leading to higher bounce rates and lower time on site.
  • Increased Bandwidth Usage. Unoptimized images consume more bandwidth, which can lead to increased hosting costs.

It’s clear that image optimization isn’t just a good-to-have – it’s a must for any developer aiming to deliver a top-notch website. So, while Netlify dropping its asset optimization is something to keep an eye on, remember that there are other ways to ensure your images are serving your website, not hindering it. With a bit of proactive action, you can keep your website performing at its best, even amid changes.

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What Cloudinary Can Do

Cloudinary is a popular cloud-based platform that deals with all things related to digital media management – including images, videos, and more. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline the entire media management process, from uploading and storing to transforming, optimizing, and delivering media across numerous devices and channels. When it comes to Netlify image optimization, Cloudinary shines with its powerful capabilities that can significantly enhance your website’s performance:

  • Automatic Format Selection. Cloudinary automatically selects the best image format for each user based on their browser and device, ensuring optimal compatibility and performance.
  • Responsive Images. Cloudinary can generate images that adapt to various screen sizes and resolutions, delivering a better user experience across devices.
  • Intelligent Quality Compression. Cloudinary’s algorithms can automatically compress images to the optimal quality-level balance, reducing file sizes without noticeably affecting visual quality.
  • Lazy Loading. Cloudinary provides lazy-loading support, which defers the loading of off-screen images until they’re needed, leading to faster initial load times.
  • Image Editing. Cloudinary allows you to easily crop, resize, and manipulate images for image editing, ensuring they look their best on your site.

Not only does Cloudinary offer a wide range of image optimization features, but it also integrates seamlessly with Netlify. By combining the power of the two platforms, you can have better control and management over your digital assets, ultimately helping you elevate your website’s performance. Once you integrate Cloudinary with your Netlify-based site, you can harness these optimization capabilities while still enjoying the benefits of Netlify as your site-building platform.

Integrating Cloudinary for Netlify Image Optimization

Now that we know about Cloudinary and image optimization let’s dive into a hands-on guide to help you seamlessly integrate Cloudinary into your Netlify website.

Signing Up For Cloudinary

Start by signing up for a free Cloudinary account if you haven’t already. Next, log in to your Cloudinary account and head to the Dashboard tab to retrieve your Product Environment Credentials.

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Save these credentials, as we will be needing them for later.

Deploying Your Netlify Site

With your Cloudinary account ready, let’s create a sample project. For this tutorial, let’s use a simple image gallery created by Colby Fayok, which you can find in this GitHub repository. Log in to your GitHub account and start by forking this repository.

Next, log in to your Netlify account and open the Sites tab. Next, click Add new site > Import an existing project > Deploy with GitHub. Finally, select your forked GitHub repository.

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Now, all that remains is to configure your site. Thankfully, Netlify automatically detects the framework used for the website and creates build commands suited for the project. Here, you will use the default commands provided by Netlify. Now click on Deploy to deploy your website.

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With this, your site has been deployed and is ready to use. You can check it out using the link shown in the Site Overview tab.

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Integrating Cloudinary Image Optimization Module

Now that your site is ready, you can integrate the Cloudinary module to optimize your assets. Head over to the Integrations tab and search for the Cloudinary module. Next, select Enable, then Install to install the module into your site:

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Finally, add your Cloudinary cloud name as an environment variable to your plugin and click on Install Plugin. This will install the plugin into your Netlify website.

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Now, head over to the Deploy page and redeploy your site.

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With this, your site is ready. Now, you can head over to your site using the link on the Site Overview page. Here is what our website looks like:

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As you can see, the Netlify images on the website are served from Cloudinary, optimizing image formats to deliver the best images for the best user experience.

Final Thoughts

As we’ve explored, Netlify is a fantastic platform for developers seeking convenience, speed, and scalability when building and handling their websites. However, with Netlify’s built-in asset optimization no longer in the picture, developers and web admins need to find alternative ways to optimize their website’s images and assets. The importance of image optimization cannot be overstated – it has repercussions on various aspects of a website, from loading speed and SEO ranking to overall user experience and bandwidth cost.

By handling automatic format selection, responsive image generation, intelligent quality compression, lazy loading, and much more, Cloudinary has your back in making your images shine – regardless of Netlify’s recent changes. Seamlessly integrating with Netlify, Cloudinary will empower you to boost your website’s performance and user experience.

If you haven’t given Cloudinary a try yet, it’s time to discover how this powerful solution can complement your Netlify site and unlock the full potential of your digital assets.

Tamas Piros
Cloudinary Logo Tamas Piros

In my experience, here are tips that can help you better optimize images when integrating Cloudinary with Netlify:

  1. Utilize Cloudinary’s automatic breakpoints
    Automatically generate responsive images with Cloudinary’s dynamic breakpoints feature. This ensures that each image is delivered at the optimal size for any screen resolution, reducing unnecessary data transfer and improving load times, especially on mobile devices.
  2. Pre-transform images for faster deployment
    Use Cloudinary’s pre-transformation capabilities to resize, crop, and optimize images before they are deployed on Netlify. By handling these processes in advance, you reduce the processing load during the build phase and ensure that images are ready for immediate use.
  3. Combine Cloudinary with Netlify’s serverless functions
    Implement serverless functions in Netlify to dynamically manipulate and serve images from Cloudinary based on user requests. This allows for real-time transformations, such as format changes or image overlays, without compromising performance.
  4. Enable image placeholders for enhanced UX
    Implement low-quality image placeholders (LQIP) using Cloudinary’s transformations to display a blurred preview of images while the full-resolution version loads. This technique improves perceived performance and provides a smoother visual experience for users.
  5. Leverage Cloudinary’s AI-driven auto-tagging
    Use Cloudinary’s AI-powered auto-tagging to automatically generate descriptive tags and alt text for images. This enhances accessibility, improves SEO, and helps users find relevant content more easily.
  6. Optimize Netlify caching strategies for Cloudinary assets
    Fine-tune Netlify’s caching strategies to work seamlessly with Cloudinary’s CDN, ensuring that images are stored and served from the nearest edge server. This reduces latency and speeds up content delivery, particularly for global audiences.
  7. Monitor and adjust based on user analytics
    Utilize Cloudinary’s analytics tools to monitor how different image formats and transformations impact load times and user engagement. Use this data to continually optimize your image delivery strategy, ensuring the best performance across all devices.
  8. Streamline workflows with Cloudinary’s API
    Automate image upload, transformation, and delivery processes by integrating Cloudinary’s API into your Netlify workflows. This allows for seamless management of large volumes of images, reducing manual effort and improving consistency.
  9. Use Cloudinary for video optimization as well
    Don’t limit Cloudinary’s capabilities to just images. Leverage its video optimization features, such as adaptive bitrate streaming and automatic format conversion, to ensure that videos on your Netlify site load quickly and play smoothly.
  10. Integrate Cloudinary’s webhooks for real-time updates
    Set up webhooks to trigger updates or transformations in Cloudinary whenever a new image is uploaded or modified in Netlify. This real-time integration keeps your image assets current and optimized, without requiring manual intervention.

These tips will help you fully leverage Cloudinary’s robust features alongside Netlify, ensuring that your website’s images are optimized for performance, accessibility, and user engagement across all devices.

Last updated: Aug 24, 2024