Provisioning API (Classic)
Last updated: Feb-04-2025
This reference describes how to use the Provisioning API with our classic backend SDKs. You should use this reference only if you've already implemented Provisioning in your app using the classic backend SDKs, or if the language you need is not available via the new Provisioning SDKs.
For a more modern experience with OpenAPI generated documentation and SDKs, take a look at our new API reference.
Accounts with provisioning API access can create and manage their product environments, users and user groups using the RESTful Provisioning API.
Provisioning API access is available upon request for accounts on an Enterprise plan.
Cloudinary's backend SDKs wrap these REST APIs, handle authentication, and enable you to perform these methods using your preferred programming language or framework. This reference provides both SDK and REST/cURL syntax and examples for each endpoint method.
By default, the API endpoint uses the following format:
For example, to get all product environments (sub_accounts) in the account with ID 16a8ff3b-736b-49a6-85c0-03b69d5a357b
The API uses Basic Authentication over HTTPS. Your Cloudinary Account ID, Provisioning Key and Provisioning Secret are used for the authentication. These ID's are located in the Cloudinary Console under Settings > Account > Provisioning API Access. You can either pass these values individually or you can use an environment variable composed of those three values in the form: CLOUDINARY_ACCOUNT_URL=account://<PROVISIONING_KEY>:<PROVISIONING_SECRET>@<ACCOUNT_ID>
. As with all configuration parameters, you can either set these values globally, or pass them with each call.
You can experiment with returning a list of users in your own Cloudinary account by replacing the PROVISIONING_KEY
in the cURL command below:
For most actions, request parameters are passed as JSON objects and the response is a JSON snippet. The response includes information about the action that was performed as well as any new relevant data. For example, the response from a request to get all product environments (sub_accounts):
"sub_accounts": [
"cloud_name": "product1",
"name": "Product1 Application",
"enabled": true,
"id": "abcde1fghij2klmno3pqrst4uvwxy5z",
"api_access_keys": [
"key": "123456789012345",
"secret": "asdf1JKL2xyz3ABc4s3c5reT01DfaKe"
"created_at": "2019-03-15T11:44:48Z"
"cloud_name": "product2",
"name": "Product2 Application",
"enabled": true,
"id": "0aaaaa1bbbbb2ccccc3ddddd4eeeee5f",
"api_access_keys": [
"key": "543210987654321",
"secret": "T415i5mYs3cr3TkeYN0tR3a77y0o0"
"created_at": "2019-04-27T08:00:16Z"
The following sections provide additional details on working with the Provisioning API:
Using SDKs with the Provisioning API
In addition to the base REST API, our client libraries provide an easy to use wrapper for the Provisioning API. Request building and authentication are done automatically, and the JSON response is parsed and returned.
For example, the following Java SDK method gets a list of enabled product environments that have a name starting with 'prod':
account.getSubAccounts(true, null, "prod");
To access the Provisioning API via and SDK, configure your Account ID, Provisioning Key and Provisioning Secret, located in the Cloudinary Console under Settings > Account > Provisioning API Access. You can:
- Use the
environment variable, substituting the placeholders with your credentials:
- Globally configure the Provisioning API using Account ID, Provisioning Key and Provisioning Secret defined separately:
const cloudinary = require('cloudinary').v2;
account_id: 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
provisioning_api_key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
provisioning_api_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
Error handling
The API returns the status of requests using the HTTP status codes:
- 200 - OK. Successful.
- 400 - Bad request.
- 401 - Authorization required.
- 403 - Not allowed.
- 404 - Not found.
- 409 - Already exists.
- 420 - Max usage rate exceeded.
The API wrapping of Cloudinary's client libraries report errors by raising applicative exception. In addition, a JSON response with an informative message is returned. For example:
{ "error": { "message": "User not found" } }
Manage the access keys, which include an API key and secret pair, for your product environment (sub-account):
Method | Description |
Get access keys |
Generate an access key |
Update an access key |
Update an access key |
Delete an access key by API key |
Delete an access key by name |
Get access keys
Return an array of all access keys for a particular product environment.
GET /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts/:sub_account_id/access_keys
cloudinary.provisioning.account.access_keys(string sub_account_id, object options);
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
page_size | Integer | How many entries to display on each page. |
page | Integer | Which page to return (maximum pages: 100). Default: All pages are returned. |
sort_by | String | Which response parameter to sort by. Possible values: api_key , created_at , name , enabled . |
sort_order | String | Control the order of returned keys. Possible values: desc (default), asc . |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Retrieve the access keys in your product environment, sorted by creation date in ascending order (oldest keys first).
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Sample response
"access_keys": [
"name": "first_key",
"api_key": "814814814814814",
"api_secret": "QcsQcsQcsQcsQcsQcsQcsQcsQcs",
"created_at": "2022-03-15T11:44:48Z",
"updated_at": "2023-08-10T09:23:45Z",
"enabled": true
"total": 10
Generate an access key
Generate a new access key.
POST /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts/:sub_account_id/access_keys
cloudinary.provisioning.account.generate_access_key(string sub_account_id, string name, object options);
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the new access key. |
enabled | Boolean | Whether the new access key is enabled or disabled. |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Generate an access key in the sub account with ID aksdvnklsR1234890
called main_key
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "main_key"
}' \
Sample response
"name": "main_key",
"api_key": "418418418418418",
"api_secret": "scQscQscQscQscQscQscQscQscQ",
"created_at": "2023-09-10T09:23:45Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-10T09:23:45Z",
"enabled": true
Update an access key
Update the name and/or status of an existing access key.
PUT /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts/:sub_account_id/access_keys/:key
cloudinary.provisioning.account.update_access_key(string sub_account_id, string api_key, boolean enabled, object options);
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | The updated name of the access key. |
enabled | Boolean | Enable or disable the access key. |
dedicated_for | String | Designates the access key for a specific purpose while allowing it to be used for other purposes, as well. This action replaces any previously assigned key. Possible values: webhooks
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Disable and rename the access key in the sub account with ID aksdvnklsR1234890
, whose API key is 418418418418418
, to secondary_key
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "secondary_key",
"enabled": false
}' \
-X PUT \
Sample response
"name": "secondary_key",
"api_key": "418418418418418",
"api_secret": "scQscQscQscQscQscQscQscQscQ",
"created_at": "2023-09-10T09:23:45Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-10T09:45:57Z",
"enabled": false
Delete an access key by API key
Delete an access key with a specified API key from your product environment. You'll no longer be able to access your product environment using the deleted key. This action can't be undone.
- It's the only active one in the product environment.
- It's dedicated for signing webhook notifications. You'll need to replace it with a different dedicated access key for webhook signing via the update method before deletion.
DELETE /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts/:sub_account_id/access_keys/:key
cloudinary.provisioning.account.delete_access_key(string sub_account_id, string api_key, object options);
Delete the access key with API key 418418418418418
in the sub account with ID aksdvnklsR1234890
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Sample response
"message": "ok"
Delete an access key by name
Delete an access key with a specified name from your product environment. You'll no longer be able to access your product environment using the deleted key. This action can't be undone.
- It's the only active one in the product environment.
- It's dedicated for signing webhook notifications. You'll need to replace it with a different dedicated access key for webhook signing via the update method before deletion.
cloudinary.provisioning.account.delete_access_key(string sub_account_id, string name, object options);
Delete the access key named secondary_key
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Sample response
"message": "ok"
sub_accounts (product environments)
endpoints, parameters, response keys, etc.Manage the product environments (sub-accounts) of your main account:
Method | Description |
Get product environments |
Get product environment |
Create product environment |
Update product environment |
Delete product environment |
Get product environments
Return an array of all product environments, or if conditions are specified, return the relevant product environments.
GET /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts
cloudinary.provisioning.account.sub_accounts(boolean enabled, string[] ids, string prefix, object options);
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
enabled | Boolean | Whether to only return enabled product environments (true) or disabled product environments (false). Default: all product environments are returned (both enabled and disabled). |
ids | Array of Strings | A list (SDKs wrap as an array) of up to 100 product environment IDs. When provided, other parameters are ignored. |
prefix | String | Returns accounts where the name begins with the specified case-insensitive string. |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Return all enabled product environments with a name that begins with 'product':
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"enabled": "true",
"prefix": "product"
}' \
Sample response
"sub_accounts": [
"cloud_name": "product2",
"name": "Product2 Application",
"enabled": true,
"id": "0aaaaa1bbbbb2ccccc3ddddd4eeeee5f",
"api_access_keys": [
"key": "543210987654321",
"secret": "T415i5mYs3cr3TkeYN0tR3a77y0o0"
"created_at": "2016-03-15T11:44:48Z"
"cloud_name": "product1",
"name": "Product1 Application",
"enabled": true,
"id": "abcde1fghij2klmno3pqrst4uvwxy5z",
"api_access_keys": [
"key": "123456789012345",
"secret": "asdf1JKL2xyz3ABc4s3c5reT01DfaKe"
"created_at": "2016-09-27T08:00:16Z"
Get product environment
Return the specified product environment.
GET /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts/:sub_account_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.sub_account(string sub_account_id, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
sub_account_id | String | The ID of the product environment to get. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Return the product environment with the id of '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
curl \
Sample response
"cloud_name": "product1",
"name": "Product1 Application",
"enabled": true,
"id": "7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27",
"api_access_keys": [
"key": "123456789012345",
"secret": "asdf1JKL2xyz3ABc4s3c5reT01DfaKe"
"created_at": "2016-09-27T08:00:16Z"
Create product environment
Create a new product environment. Any users that have access to all product environments will also automatically have access to the new product environment.
POST /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts
cloudinary.provisioning.account.create_sub_account(string name, string cloud_name, object custom_attributes, string base_account, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | The display name as shown in the Cloudinary Console. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
cloud_name | String | A case-insensitive cloud name comprised of 2-128 alphanumeric and hyphen characters, starting with a letter. Cloud names must be unique across all Cloudinary accounts. Default: a unique string automatically generated by Cloudinary. |
base_sub_account_id | String | The ID of another product environment, from which to copy all of the following settings: Size limits, Timed limits, and Flags. The parameter is called base_account in some SDKs. |
folder_mode | String | Sets the folder mode of the new product environment. Possible values: dynamic , fixed Default: dynamic
custom_attributes | Object | Any custom attributes you want to associate with the product environment, as a map/hash of key/value pairs. |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Create a new product environment called 'demo account':
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "demo account"
}' \
Sample response
"cloud_name": "product3",
"name": "Product3 Application",
"enabled": false,
"id": "555asdf0000zxcvb3456qwerty",
"api_access_keys": [
"key": "135792468054321",
"secret": "w4aTi5Y0u6k3YN0773lL1nGyUt0Da8"
"created_at": "2016-09-27T11:15:35Z"
Update product environment
Update the specified details of the product environment.
PUT /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts/:sub_account_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.update_sub_account(string sub_account_id, string name, string cloud_name, object custom_attributes, boolean enabled, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
sub_account_id | String | The ID of the product environment to update. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | The display name as shown in the Cloudinary Console. |
cloud_name | String | A case-insensitive cloud name comprised of 2-128 alphanumeric and hyphen characters, starting with a letter. Cloud names must be unique across all Cloudinary accounts. Note: You can only change a cloud name (without special handling from customer support) for product environments with fewer than 1000 assets. |
custom_attributes | Object | Any custom attributes you want to associate with the product environment, as a map/hash of key/value pairs. |
enabled | Boolean | Whether the product environment is enabled. Default: true
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
To disable the product environment with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"enabled": "false"
}' \
-X PUT \
Sample response
"cloud_name": "product1",
"name": "Product1 Application",
"enabled": false,
"id": "7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27",
"api_access_keys": [
"key": "123456789012345",
"secret": "asdf1JKL2xyz3ABc4s3c5reT01DfaKe"
"created_at": "2016-09-27T08:00:16Z"
Delete product environment
Delete the specified product environment. Supported only for accounts with fewer than 1000 assets.
DELETE /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts/:sub_account_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.delete_sub_account(string sub_account_id, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
sub_account_id | String | The ID of the product environment to delete. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
To delete the product environment with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
curl \
Sample response
"message": "ok"
Manage the users for your account:
Method | Description |
Get users |
Get user |
Create user |
Update user |
Delete user |
Get users
Returns an array of all users in the account, or if conditions are specified, returns the relevant users.
GET /accounts/:account_id/users
cloudinary.provisioning.account.users(boolean pending, string[] ids, string prefix, string sub_account_id, object options);
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
pending | Boolean | Whether to only return pending users. Default: false (all users) |
ids | Array of Strings | A list (SDKs wrap as an array) of up to 100 user IDs. When provided, other parameters are ignored. |
prefix | String | Returns users where the name begins with the specified case-insensitive string. |
sub_account_id | String | Only returns users who have access to the specified account. |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
last_login | Boolean | Specifies a date range for last login. |
from | String | All last logins after this date, given in the format: yyyy-mm-dd |
to | String | All last logins before this date, given in the format: yyyy-mm-dd |
union_type | String | Whether to return users who last logged in within the specified date range (include ), or those who didn't last log in within the range (exclude ). Possible values: include , exclude Default: include
Return all users with a name that begins with 'john':
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"prefix": "john"
}' \
Sample response
"users": [
"id": "139147faa12ce11f22cfaffa84b307",
"name": "john_smith",
"role": "media_library_user",
"email": "",
"pending": true,
"enabled": true,
"created_at": "2020-01-13T05:16:06Z",
"last_login": "2022-01-11T15:11:04Z",
"all_sub_accounts": true
"id": "28c84b2aa7924a5e64f949b5403981",
"name": "john_jones",
"role": "master_admin",
"email": "",
"pending": true,
"enabled": true,
"created_at": "2019-01-13T05:16:05Z",
"last_login": "2021-11-12T15:11:02Z",
"all_sub_accounts": true
Get user
Return the user with the specified ID.
value is not displayed in the Cloudinary Console, but it is returned when creating a user. You can also retrieve it based on the user's name or email, using the get users operation to return a user by prefix.Syntax
GET /accounts/:account_id/users/:user_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.user(string user_id, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
user_id | String | The ID of the user to get. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Return the user with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
curl \
Sample response
"id": "7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27",
"name": "foobar",
"role": "master_admin",
"email": "",
"pending": true,
"enabled": true,
"created_at": "2019-09-12T11:53:57Z",
"last_login": "2022-01-11T15:11:04Z",
"all_sub_accounts": false,
"groups": [],
"sub_account_ids": "555asdf0000zxcvb3456qwerty"
Create user
Create a new, enabled user for the account with the status pending
POST /accounts/:account_id/users
cloudinary.provisioning.account.create_user(string name, string email, string role, string[] sub_account_ids, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | The user's name. |
String | A unique email address, which serves as the login name and notification address. | |
role | String | The role to assign. Possible values: master_admin , admin , billing , technical_admin , reports , media_library_admin , media_library_user
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
sub_account_ids | Array of Strings | A comma-separated list (SDKs wrap as an array) of product environment IDs that this user can access. Note: This parameter is ignored if the role is specified as master_admin . Default: all product environments. |
enabled | Boolean | Whether the user is enabled. Default: true
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Create a new user named 'John', with an email address of '' and a role of 'technical_admin':
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "John",
"email": "",
"role": "technical_admin"
}' \
Sample response
"id": "0abed8dfcc039ea05e2a1d494fd442",
"name": "John",
"role": "technical_admin",
"email": "",
"pending": true,
"enabled": true,
"created_at": "2020-09-03T13:33:25Z",
"all_sub_accounts": true,
"groups": []
Update user
Update the details of a specified user.
PUT /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts/:user_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.update_user(string user_id, string name, string email, string role, string[] sub_account_ids, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
user_id | String | The ID of the user to update. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | The user's name. |
String | A unique email address, which serves as the login name and notification address. | |
role | String | The role to assign. Possible values: master_admin , admin , billing , technical_admin , reports , media_library_admin , media_library_user
sub_account_ids | String | A comma-separated list (SDKs wrap as an array) of product environment IDs that this user can access. Note: This parameter is ignored if the role is specified as master_admin . |
enabled | Boolean | Whether the user is enabled. |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
To update the role of a user with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27' to 'admin':
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"role": "admin"
}' \
Sample response
"id": "7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27",
"name": "John",
"role": "admin",
"email": "",
"pending": true,
"enabled": true,
"created_at": "2019-09-12T11:53:57Z",
"all_sub_accounts": false,
"groups": [],
"sub_account_ids": "555asdf0000zxcvb3456qwerty"
Delete user
Delete a user with the specified ID.
DELETE /accounts/:account_id/users/:user_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.delete_user(string user_id, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
user_id | String | The ID of the user to delete. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Delete the user with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
curl \
Sample response
"message": "ok"
Manage the groups for the users in your account:
Method | Description |
Get user groups |
Get a user group |
Get the users in a user group |
Create a user group |
Add a user to a group |
Update a user group |
Delete a user group |
Remove a user from a group |
Get user groups
Return an array of all user groups in the account.
GET /accounts/:account_id/user_groups
cloudinary.provisioning.account.user_groups(object options);
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Return all user groups:
Sample response
"user_groups": [
"id": "63a12e42952d888d9cabe7fb38888885",
"name": "user_group_1"
"id": "1cc3808888154263ac1e5eb2e5c52d61",
"name": "user_group_1"
Get user group
Return a user group with the specified ID.
GET /accounts/:account_id/user_groups/:group_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.user_group(string group_id, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
group_id | String | The ID of the user group to get. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Return the user group with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
Sample response
"id": "7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27",
"name": "user_group_1"
Get user-group users
Return the users in the group with the specified ID.
GET /accounts/:account_id/user_groups/:group_id/users
cloudinary.provisioning.account.user_group_users(string group_id, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
group_id | String | The ID of the user group. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Return the users in the group with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
Sample response
"users": [
"id": "7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27",
"name": "John",
"email": ""
Create user group
Create a new user group for the account.
POST /accounts/:account_id/user_groups
cloudinary.provisioning.account.create_user_group(string name, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | The name for the user group. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Create a new user group named 'Designers':
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "Designers"
}' \
Sample response
"id": "7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27",
"name": "Designers"
Add user to group
Add a user to a group with the specified ID.
POST /accounts/:account_id/user_groups/:group_id/users/:user_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.add_user_to_group(string group_id, string user_id, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
group_id | String | The ID of the user group. |
user_id | String | The ID of the user. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Add the user with id '230df1d1fa913bf1f35e74a1f41e25' to the group with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
curl \
Sample response
"users": [
"id": "230df1d1fa913bf1f35e74a1f41e25",
"name": "John",
"email": ""
Update user group
Update the name of a specified user group.
PUT /accounts/:account_id/user_groups/:group_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.update_user_group(string group_id, string name, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
group_id | String | The ID of the user group to update. |
name | String | The name for the user group. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
To update the name of a group with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27' to 'Designers':
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "Designers"
}' \
Sample response
"id": "7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27",
"name": "Designers"
Delete user group
Delete a user group with the specified ID.
DELETE /accounts/:account_id/user_groups/:group_id
cloudinary.provisioning.account.delete_user_group(string group_id, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
group_id | String | The ID of the user group to delete. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Delete the user group with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
curl \
Sample response
"message": "ok"
Remove user from group
Remove a user from a group with the specified ID.
DELETE /accounts/:account_id/user_groups/:group_id/users/:user_id
remove_user_from_group(string group_id, string user_id, object options);
Required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
group_id | String | The ID of the user group. |
user_id | String | The ID of the user. |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | Object | See Configuration parameters. |
Remove the user with id '230df1d1fa913bf1f35e74a1f41e25' from the group with id '7f08f1f1fc910bf1f25274aef11d27':
curl \
Sample response
"users": []