Customize color saturation
Customize color saturation
Filters and effects

Saturation level of images can be easily increased or decreased on-the-fly. This can be done by setting the effect parameter to saturation (e_saturation in URLs). Saturation levels can be customized by specifying the saturation percentage, either positive or negative.

Here's an original image uploaded to Cloudinary: Original

The following examples modify the color saturation of the image. A negative saturation value will reduce color saturation while a positive value will increase it.

Here's an example of increasing the saturation level by 60%: +60% Saturation

Here's an example of decreasing the saturation level by 60%: -60% Saturation

Decreasing the saturation level by 100% generates a grayscale version of the image: Grayscale

Not specifying the saturation level, increases color saturation by the default level of 80%: +80% Saturation